
No superluminal flight, no knowledge of subquark matter, no gravity manipulation technology, to name a few things. but to a type one, like the eagles? they looked like gods. i remember when they first landed.

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Just standing still was slowly draining the battery because without gravity manipulation the multi-ton armor would have sunk straight through the sand (despite the fact that it was only 43% earth standard, according to sensors).

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Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 3

gravity manipulation powers were really handy in those games. "guess what was in it?" dev said, wagging his tail. "a fortune cookie saying, 'your life ends at the altar'?" "close," my boy - i mean, '_best'._ devlin is my best friend. not boyfriend.

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Given she could pick up and throw the average compact car by making it utterly weightless using her gravity-manipulation powers, the fact that her pack ought to have weighed more than half what she did made no difference.

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Mindfully Submissive

The bat hadn't had a free night in a while, always busy either grading exams or with the seemingly endless calls to help with robberies, including one particularly exhausting night having to fight gravibbit, the rabbit with gravity manipulation powers, in

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The Tail-Chaser's Lounge Part 4

While she hadn't kept up on the latest research in the field of gravity manipulation, outside that related to the contra-gravity drives on the latest exploratory and colony ships that'd been launched in recent years, she knew enough to see that such

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