New Found Fossils
The idol had transformed the young woman into a humanoid queen bee, her belly continuously plump and round with eggs. the queen's pregnancy had occurred in hours, her children fully grown in less than a day.
A dog named Toby (8)
Making sure the queen bees are nice and fat and happy." toby whined laying back on the couch. "why won't you touch me?" the dog pouted laying his head back up on the end of the couch. he watched him walk by.
Serving the Hive
Every day she was milked by worker bees, and half of the liquid produced was intended for the queen bee. sometimes niama would simply skip the middle man and let her royal highness drink her invigorating milk directly from her tits.
Thunderstruck, Finale
Francine's calling herself galvanika now and they're competing for who reaches the plant first," the queen bee explained as she relayed information from the skies.
Relee and the Beegirls
The beegirls on either side of me return to their previous positions, and the queen bee says, "firzt you muzt become a beegirl, and my daughter!"
The Mating Habits of the College Bound Mantis
"gyne" - an immature queen bee who has not yet started her own colony/hive appendix b: dramatis arthropodia: mitch mantis - a male anthropomorphic praying mantis stephanie s.
Perpetual Princess Project
She was a spider, but altered by doctor damion's genetic recoding to grow the sense organs of a queen bee. the other crime families, each had a member of their species altered the same way.
Thunderstruck, Part 6
Part 6. Francine announced nothing as she unceremoniously injected herself; Charlie had been too slow to stop her. The sight of the doctor forcing the syringe down on her arm made Charlie's mind flash back to Lexine Masters', Omega's last moments...
Very Strange Magic (Part 1-3)
The queen bee admitted. she buzzed around the little kit's head. "have you learned anything yet?" "i learned ruben is a cheater." she said as she tested the next branch above her.
end of the line (a tale of depression)
That's when it happened, the dirty slag alice, the queen bee of bimbo slappers, she makes paris hilton look like einstein, she thinks that being cruel is a way of life, oh i can't wait to hear what she says now (note the sarcasm) "" she said
Coach Hard-Ass
Next was alicia duvont, a sassy queen bee now working tables at the local diner.
9: "If you ain't got no Sauce, then you're lost. But you can also get lost in the Sauce."
"you've been reborn, hun." says the queen bee's voice. "into...what?" he tries to take a step on the hot, throbbing, rubbery ground.