Vanity Chapter 2: Life After Trent

They expressed their shared lust with their gaze. unspoken desires burnied in the smooth music around them, and in their tender caresses. exchanging subtle, powerful messages of need, they held one another in the room, amid the swaying bodies.

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Commission - Relax Queen 3, Full Of Love

But most of all, as they both basked in the afterglow, leaking cum and sticky from their own shared lusts, love reigned supreme, uniting the couple in sheer bliss as they truly and fully relaxed.

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Duez N Slappy Squirerl: Public Play

Her experience, his enthusiasm, and their shared lust dragging them closer and then over the edge. he knocked on her womb door several more times before it opened to receive his delivery.

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Wine Tasting

He would rather make sweet love slowly and let the moment last forever, bathing in the sunlight room and the shared lust between them, both of which were almost tangible at this point.

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Experimental Potions & Side Effects

She drew back reluctantly, eyes hazy with a shared lust and need amplified by her craft's side effects and her nethers shuddering in a soundless climax.

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Wedding Tux...

In the back of the limousine they shared lustful kiss's and eager caress's. this only serving to make the already lusty stallion burn even more with pent up desire.

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A Mutual Arrangement

A shiver of delight arced up his spine, and less than a second later sindar felt the same - their shared lust and magnetism for each other's bodies binding them together.

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Stuffing Knight

Her belly sloshed with the fruits of their shared lust and gluttony for a long moment while they recovered, earning yet more protests from her overworked bed. she eventually wobbled to rest, and they recovered their energy in each other's arms.

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A Driving Urge - by Jeeves

After a couple of minutes of non-stop orgasm, not knowing how or why this was happening, but too consumed by their own shared lust to care, the vixen's hind legs gave out beneath her.

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