Predscape Travel Blog - Kee

He's an attractive aardwolf, and a size-shifter. when i met up with him he only stood a foot or so taller than myself, though reports of him being five to ten times my height were common.

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Predscape Travel Blog - Kee

He's an attractive aardwolf, and a size-shifter. when i met up with him he only stood a foot or so taller than myself, though reports of him being five to ten times my height were common.

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Fur Becomes Us - Prologue

Soon, there were the size shifters, only able to go so tall before being in danger, but still able to cause problems, especially if they weren't paying attention using their abilities.

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It took a lot of energy to be a size shifter, oddly enough, and he was most definitely an expert at putting away the calories.

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Gym Afterhours

size shifter, but is unable to shrink under 10 ft. felix finds himself alone in the locker room after hours with pete after both finished their workout. both are super sweaty. pete is pumped from his heavy lifting workout.

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Apology Accepted

"yes that's right little dish, we're size shifters. size thieves to be precise. you don't have much to give us, but we'll take it anyway." lony grins as the dragoness quickly dwindles down to a meter, losing a full sixty centimeters.

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CrunchVille Days Off

This short story revolves around his character pal, a brand new greenhorn in the organization smash: size shifters tasked with managing the various giant monsters and assholes that periodically come by to fuck up the town.

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The Dream that Turned Real: Ridin' Solo, Part Four

Rokar was a size shifter as well, as he shrunk down to dan's size and landed next to them as they sat on the branch. =========================================== (anime-style) we regained consiousness a few minutes later, ryan a minute before me, as i saw

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Sizable Relapse

size-shifters were a well-known, if not common, existence in their world and it wasn't unheard of for some of them to let their unnatural abilities go to their head.

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Predscape Travel Blog - HT

The aardwolf is a size-shifter, known for going on macro rampages and eating whole townships in a sitting. but this hotel?

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The Dream That Turned Real Part 2 Alternate (Unfinished)

'size-shifter' i noted in my head. 'cool.' ryan raised his eyebrow. "how?" "it's anutha one of the tricks i taught'im. simon says 'everyone outta the pool, then, front and centah'."

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In the Big House Now

Some of the social workers were size-shifters themselves but eventually the difference between someone being as tall as her knees and being as tall as her toes didn't matter all that much.

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