Paying One's (Bodily) Dues

It was almost as good as the rolling dice, as the spinning wheels, as the falling cards and the flashing numbers. it was a gamble with consciousness, with his pleasure and hers, and she...she loved that.

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Down for the Count - Chpt 1

My thoughts were running, jumbling into circles that became spinning wheels. i was racing. heart-pumping, jaw-clenching, and long, kangaroo legs tensing. coach was going on about something, spinning his own wheels, but i couldn't lose momentum now.

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Derrick the Swallower of Worlds Ch. 3

The spinning wheels caused derrick to yell out in pleasure, rattling the neighborhood. the tires rubbed forcefully along the inside of his cock, burning his mind with pleasure. this only encouraged him.

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Blood And Water Mini - Testing The Waters

Another boasted the finest silks, purportedly woven by ahron-enchanted spinning wheels. one dared even cry out that true love lay in the bottom of a vial; a potent potion that could win the heart of any one could desire.

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Aboard The Grand Walker

He found his cigarette and fumbled with the spin wheel of his lighter. ivan removed his and lit the commander's cigarette. "thank you, comrade." he took a drag from it. "you're welcome, comrade commander." ivan peered out the window.

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Halloween 2013: Part 6

"now let's see if your luck is in," the raichu cried, adjusting his new tuxedo jacket as he walked over to stand before the spinning wheel. "if it lands on the blue you get to claim the grand prize, if not... well luka says he'll love to be you." !

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Into the Darkness

My name's jena, if ya need anything else." she walked to the open window to the kitchen and clipped the order to a spinning wheel for the cook, then brought back their drinks. "wow..."

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Chewy: Leon's dream pt 1

In rage i focused and visualed the attack in my mind, "fire spin, wheels of heat," a ring of heat casted around the arena. "go chewy," razz cheered from the sidelines while yamani crazily yelled, "focus harry!"

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the wolves chapter 8: Vanishing act

Or you could put me on one of those spinning wheels." trick offered up "you sure trust my skill with this."

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It's a Dog's Life

Jake stayed a safe distance behind timothy and aito, not wanting to get covered in mud from the spinning wheels. "come on nock," friendly called out eventually, "let's get these two stick-in-the-muds moving again."

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The Drowning of King

Like a spinning wheel in the sky, he tumbled forward onto the curb and slammed into it, yelping in pain as his phone shot out of his grip like a bullet. "no!" he shouted, his blurry eyes trying to focus on where it bobbed in a river in the street.

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