Tomb of Cullen

The sky had turned to a lovely and cool blackish navy blue. The stars shone in the sky like glowing balls, and the moon's light shone down to the ground, like a celestial spotlight. The cool summer winds blew sweetly, massaging one's body with...

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Elfen Plague: Chapter 2

Adin awoke only to find himself inside a wooden barn, laying nude under a blanket, on a bed of hay. The inside of the barn was dim and comfortable, stray streaks of moonlight leak inside between the wooden roof's leaves and board surface. It was a...

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The Pissst - Ch.3: F^ed!

Alice hits the outside sidewalk, half-choking on the mist that feels like a thick, dense steam room of "sneeze." It makes her thighs get a little bit damp deep in her panties. She feels her bra tighten as her breasts swell with arousal, and her lips...

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Elfen Plague - Ch.1

Things have changed. The world is no longer the same. Why? Well, the "why" won't make much sense unless you know the "how." _They_ did it. _They_ didn't care. Or...maybe _they_ did. Maybe... It all began in the 4th Age, during the war of...

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Twas the Night before....WTF?!?!

_WARNING: There is no good explanation for this. It's weird, it''s all kinds of just WTF. I don't know how it derailed so far. I was reading a poem, started writing a little copy just to end boredom, and somehow, it just...devolved and mutated...

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You Love Him

_Sequel/Follow up to the story 'He Loves You' by Marthell. Done with...

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Misadventures of Ganymede Van Helsing - Ch.2

Kasawan Sitchiwatcha strokes his long double black braids while sitting leaned back in a comfortable wooden chair. His mother stands on the main from floor of a auditorium-like small lecture hall, as a black man dressed in fine English clothing writes...

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White-as-Snow & The Seven Dvarfs: Chapter 1

Once upon a time... long, long ago in a chiefdom in Germany... when Thor was still worshiped there, and the legions of the Roman empire surged across the world... there was a Goth king. And in this Goth land, he had a queen. For years, the area he...

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Runnin' (After the Femmies)

**[Intro]** ? One time, one time, brodie, one time! ? Where? Runnin' to the femmies (Yeah, I know what you mean) No matter what I do, they got ya boi still runnin' after the femmies (Put them motherfucking knee-highs on tight, baby girl...oooh...

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His friend, "Rath" - Chapter 1

It was in the cooling and darkening months of the Fall when my independent studies truly began to bear fruit. Fruit that truly represented the ebb, flow, toil, and loss I have sacrificed in my studies. My independent, and "strange" as my fellow...

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9: "If you ain't got no Sauce, then you're lost. But you can also get lost in the Sauce."

Having a dream. Dreaming. Dreams. Unconciousness. _Rapid Eye Movement_ unconciousness. Or the complete and absolute opposite of 'woke'. _(Whatchu say? Pshh... Fuck a_ 'awake'_, muh-fucka, I SAID_ **'woke'** _.)_ _(Sh'up.)_ _ANYWAY......

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Musa Ninki Nanka - Ch.3

At the word "obayifo," the knight's unaffected and "seen-it-all-before" laid back attitude halted. His body language tensed, and his eyes focused on her without moving. He rolls his dark chocolate fingers with long pointed white fingernails in a mellow...

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