The Park of unexpected Creatures-Introduction

Hidden inside the shadows, the figure waited although it wasn't long before the first indication for the first arrival coming in was a slight crackle in the air.

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Day 1 Competition

The voice crackled, revealing in the inference that they were not only listening but watching too. "time for the second act."

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PAW I - Jackass - Part 2

_ _the voice crackled with laughter._ _"...zzzzzz....punishment.....zzzz.....punishment for being the jackass he's now become....zzzz...

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Dark's History: Opening

.~ ~you walk upwards for what seems ages, no decorations adorn the walls or the windows, just the red carpet that lines the stairs themselves, but after moments you start to hear the crackle of a fire, the smell of the hickory burning within the hearth, once

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A worthless endeavor, as their ammunition was effectively countered by the surging electricity that crackled about her form.

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Subdued Arrival (Otherwise Untitled)

Off in the distance beyond hearing, a lightening strike in the night could be discerned from the radio's crackle.

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Poem # 20

#20 of my poems please don't ask, i feel like fire races about through my body, my nerves crackle in my mind, pain lances through out my form.

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A radio crackled in the gold walls of the bridge. "the nuke has been deactivated. prep for immediate jump." kerrah-7 jumped and hit the jump prep button before anyone else.

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[Draft] Mundane

crackle. i lay by the glowing hearth, flames dancing in front of me. sounds of water tap, tap, along the roof and windows. it is so easy to fall asleep these days.

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Duty Chapter 5

She pushed an image from her mind into the wisp, and it crackled and expanded forming a dome of ice over her. crackling collisions erupted all around her, and she felt the whare throwing a gale of blows against her shield.

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Jak Metal Head TF

The apparatus sung, yellow-purple arcs bursting back and forth in crackling arcs between the towers, until, with a crashing jolt, they earthed in him.

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