False Wildness
Raindrops like tears, slide down the road. Carefully trimmed plants strain with all the strength of Earth's lament against the cage of man's design. Perfect shapes for imperfect people as a rogue vine chokes out the steeple. Trees arranged...
False Witness
Graphic design was the correct major for Dustin. All his design classes went swimmingly. He knew he could do it. He knew there were jobs at the end, and he was sure he knew enough about the industry that he could secure one before graduation. If it...
False Flags
"Hello, Curtis." Curtis' eyes snapped open, immediately scanning his surroundings. He was on the bow of a boat. No, a ship. It was far too large to be a boat. The sky above was cloudless, the dusk sun casting a reddish gaze upon the world. The...
False Identity
Kate sat at her computer late at night with a frown as she typed furiously on the message boards. It was well into the AM time, and Kate was arguing with someone over the internet about how soda was terrible and should never be drank by anyone. As odd...
False Start
_Now_ Football was, in a word, tiring. Many would consider the sport just a game, but when one took into account all of the work that went into learning the game--the rules, the plays, not to mention actually _playing_ the game and becoming good...
A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 1 (Part 2)
**--Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening--** **Part 2** **Sara** had finally finished the first half of her round-trip tour of the Sinnoh region, and man, was she _worn out_! Her journey had taken her through practically ever major city in the area, along...
Deadlist Assassin
Commandramon got in an elevator to the floor Angel was waiting in. He walked behind her and said, "Monodramon told me that your mission is to take out Veemon once and for all. Once you do he'll tell you where Stitch is. I hover over Veemon's last...
Halloween 2013: Part 4
Five questions, each following the other with the players given scant few seconds to hit the true or false buttons on their chairs.
Love is False Hope
To some love is blind to most affection is fine but to me love is false, being is a lost hope and hope is affection in a loveless life what is there to hold where does a husk go to find hope, where does an empty existence go
False Guardian (OLD)
Muted gold sand cascaded in shallow waves down the dunes, eternally sun dried, baked free of any and all moisture centuries ago. The healthy, yellow glow of the sun, a few hours beyond high noon, glared its' heated rays down at any traveler unfortunate...
Cold Days - Chapter 3
Cold Days Chapter 3 July 3rd, 2013 It's been a week and a half since Dakota and I's "fight". Her relationship status was displayed single everywhere. It resulted in a few sleepless nights, but I was grateful for my best friend Kayleb to be...
Slag ND: The false maiden.
She was a little nervous about doing this, she was scared that her act-and spell to make her look human- would be too transparent, but Slag still put the cloak on her gave her a bag of gold and had asked "Don't you want revenge on the heroes that put...