More about me naruto wise
Technique 6: [hurricane release: shurikane jutsu is a exclusive signature attack similar to naruto's rasenshuriken. shurikane is a combination of the two words: hurricane and shuriken.
Turkey Shoot
The two remainders dragged chains of hurricanes behind them like wedding cans, spitting spurts of machine gun fire into their wakes.
The Hurricane Part I: Sarah
Maybe he's finally being chill about this whole hurricane party.
I am the hurricane!"
chapter 4 the purple and black German shepherd
Here i am rock you like a hurricane here i am rock you like a hurricane here i am rock you like a hurricane rock you like a hurricane it's early morning, the sun comes out last night was shaking, pretty loud my cat is purring and scratches my skin so what
The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 2 Skies On Fire
They continued to case the hurricanes through the bomber formation. as more and more bombers dropped from the sky, so too did more hurricanes.
The Gate-Way: Chapter 2 – Skies On Fire
They continued to case the hurricanes through the bomber formation. as more and more bombers dropped from the sky, so too did more hurricanes.
The Eye of the Storm
This hurricane is still going on, and we're going to stay in that cave for another night; maybe two nights if we have to. you don't want to go, and i'm not enthusiastic about it either."
Prime Bearing Chapter 4
Apparently the hurricane was almost upon them. this was going to be a very difficult few days, as the hurricanes generally stall over this area and wreck havoc before disappearing a few days later.
Chapter 4 - Roleplay and Rainbows
And in the middle of the scene stood a rainbow maned pony in her commander hurricane armour from the heart's warming eve pageant.
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 2, Chapter 3
_tonight a hurricane_ _feel the hurricane spending this lonely night loving you [loving you] tonight a hurricane touch me hurricane show me your
Storm Tossed
The winds had already begun to increase as the hurricane began to make itself felt along the louisiana coastline.