Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Chapter 3
jellies couldn't climb and it kept her safe from anything else that couldn't. she heads to the shore, easily avoiding an aimlessly wandering jelly, to top off her water supply and drink.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Chapter 2
"excellent," twinkaleni nods and the trio head off to find more jellies, alice's tail wagging happily. it has been years since alice had company while tracking jellies.
A Jelly Good Time
Drool rained down upon her jelly breasts, out and around his maw as he bucked and kicked and fucked that jelly pussy with all his might.
Always Room for... Jelly?
The lupine creature sat in his usual place, apart from the rabble that usually cluttered his current haunt. Occasionally, he gave a bored glance around the area, though he had long since given up hope of finding anything interesting. He tried to...
Getting Wrapped up in Your Work
Though something that should have pained him, his nerves were among the first things the royal jelly deteriorated.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane, Ch1
The more matter a jelly dissolves the bigger it becomes until it can split, forming two identical if smaller jellies. alice had seen them do this.
Tik Tik's Tower 2
Coverart by heckabun from the journals of eshere, sex-jelly scholar: here is an account of my first impressions of tik tik's tower--a wizard's study that my employer and friend had obtained through adventures out in the wastes to the east.
Blood Debts and Jelly Beans
"i'll stick to the jelly beans. you know what blood does to me." maka flashed her fangs as her free hand stroked my naked thigh. "i know," she whispered.
Royal Jelly (Preg, BE, Hypnosis)
Royal jelly.
Sweet Nectar, Royal Jelly
Axel had been waiting for a long time for his custom ordered pet. This was the day which it was suppose to come in, hand delivered from the planet of Harsonguard. The fox was waiting watching the television but mostly being on his phone looking at the...
The Secret of Sex Jellies 7
The sex jelly narrows her eyes, focusing on the oozy mass before her, and she gasps. "a heart core!" jay peers over the kobold, looking to the monster, blinking a few times before she stands fully up behind the kobold.
The Secret of Sex Jellies 3
I must say, i shouldn't have been quick to judge you as being a sex jelly. after all, there are so many kinds of us out there." "hehe, that's fine, eshere! i'm just happy to meet someone like me enough that we could get to know each other."