Out of the Frying pan, and into the Quicksand

His paws stretched out as far as they could, and grasped at the murky air in a final, veil attempt at life. "glub glub." the murky substance swallowed the furry paws down at last.

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Mark of the Marsh

She'd watch him with an intent gaze as he slowly moved closer and closer with a strange gait - a glistening misshapen webbed hand soon moving to his waist to pull a murky bottle from his side, a foul looking black liquid sloshing within.

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The Bitch Went Down

Two waves rose over his shoulders and clashed in a dusky mane that stood in stark contrast to his murky fur as it wound up the back of his thickening neck.

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Broken Patterns

Why didn't i get away from the beast of the murky abyss that sapped a little more life from me each and every day? if i left, you said you'd kill yourself.

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Dear Diary: I think I am going to be a Mommy (A Squirrel Girl's Story)

I look at him as he connects the plastic opening of the bag full of murky white liquid to a rubber tube. that bag is about the size of my palm and bulging full. the tube hisses as air flows out.

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Out of Water - Part IX

He was willing to risk his toes being bitten off at any moment by whatever was _supposedly_ hiding in the murkiness of the river bottom.

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Mega Pleased

So, she skipped right to the payment part of the deal, the piles of delicious fish scooped out of the murky waters and cooked right on the spot.

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Croc's Blood Part 2- Mating Season

She waded through the murky waters, her nostrils flaring at the end of her long muzzle. she smelt something overpowering... something she wanted. her mind was set on one objective, now.

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Reflection of the Cat

Paw all too hastily withdrew from the proximinity of the pond as the sapphire waters parted, revealing a murky orange figure surfacing.

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Trespassers Price

The hour was late and the insects began to buzz as the swamps cooled only slightly, no longer a fever of heat and murky water - but the scent of a cool breeze that slowly danced between ancient trees.

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Not Yet Satisfied

Jamming three fingers into herself at once, she hastily downed another murky drink, feeling the p. juice drag against the back of her throat, slowly running down into her stomach.

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A Hunting We Will Go...

She didn't have to look up as even though the water was murky she could still make out the features of the powerful male that took both her humanity and her sex away.

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