Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 5

_i know what i want, you festering pustule. i want to peel your throat open and suck the marrow out of your bones. now that would be a meal. that would hit the spot just fine... just come closer..._ wait, did he say that aloud just now? he wasn't sure.

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Valedictory Fuck

Her skin broke out into black pustules like those that had killed her. her scream curdled, echoed and twisted in the air like her body.

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You Will Hear a Bird Fall Ch.1: The Welt

"the trees, see those pustules on the bark?" along the lattice of puffy, red flesh coating the gnarled bark were blossoms of white, green, and purple pustules. each one gave the effect the trees themselves were bleeding.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 53

"because if she figured out you two knew she was coming, she'd have known it was all a trap, you festering pustule! by beating you she would have thought herself in the clear!" "so we were just a feint? is that it?" hyker said.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 54

"because if she figured out you two knew she was coming, she'd have known it was all a trap, you festering pustule! by beating you she would have thought herself in the clear!" "so we were just a feint? is that it?" hyker said.

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Omnipocalypse: Reign of Rats, Chapter 1

The pustule burst as their new tail erupted from the base of their spine. fully formed, the closer to the end the roughly textured skin of the naked tail was, the more green and glowy it became. "i... yes... this happened to fiend too!

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The Ouroboros - Chapter 1

The man's skin was a faded grey-green with black pustules dotting his arms, face, and chest. a part of his face was missing from his cheek, showing off his rotted blackened teeth.

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Never An Absolution - Chapter Three -

He was a filthy, unkempt human male, grossly overweight and his unwashed body was riddled with assorted boils, scabs and sores that weeped pustulantly.

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Hindr (By Chaon)

Check out chaon's stuff at: the text was bright red and stylistically rendered in the manner of the goosebumps logo; with ugly pustules that seemed to drip off the pristine white of his smartphone screen.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 43

It can't be worse than the pustules...'' he gives you a dirty look. ''anyway, please do it. now hurry the miasma is wreaking havoc on your system, and who knows what else it will do to you. the poison should help, but it won't be an instant cure...

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From Dungeons unto Dragons : A lycan\'s tale

Large pustules dotted its face, large chunks of flesh were missing, revealing the rows of rotting teeth, maggots crawled beneath the skin of the creature. lucian smiled grimly, gripping his knife.

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The Journey Home

Two dozen sets of eyes turned towards him, all leaking black pustulent ichor, most wearing guard uniforms, their firearms still holstered at their sides.

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