From Porn to Practice | Manager's Special Commission

Ludo would join his lover for the festival, and slowly bake to death inside the clay kiln when the lion tribe fired the prized statuary. kopa would be given the statue as king of the lions that night.

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The Last Fox Hunt Of Britain

I had prepared in advance for this trip, if you could believe something as spontaneous as a fox hunt can be premeditated, and in fact kept the number of one of the local vulpines who we had on contract for minor statuary repairs.

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Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 09 Rexi

"give a thought to what statuary we might move to the front hall, would you?" "yes, master. i had a question about your guests?" "yes?" said master zackton. "how many?

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Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 06 Rexi

Pictures, tapestries, carvings, statuary, metalwork, windows ... and their condition. i imagine the fabrics will need renewal, at least. how soon can you have those things done?" "i ... the house list, a couple of days. the gardens, i'm not sure."

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A Snowkitten Cometh 26: There's Magic In The Air

statuary. modern." erin glances across the different papers, "let's go with statues. they always fascinate me." the real motive behind her reasoning remains as silent as the grave.


Cold Stone Hot Cum

Every muscle from torso to arm and leg was impeccably defined, as well as any piece of rare metal statuary the wolf had seen in his life.

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Magical Mayhem Sorecerous Familiar Chapter twenty-two

Climbing vines twisted around pillars and transparent crystal statuary. dragons, elves, humans. many of the known races stood frozen, trapped in an eternally silent repose. so real was the illusion, so perfectly had they been carved.

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"INSTRUCTIONS: Yiff to Break Curse"

Upon the dais was the biggest example of erotic statuary liger had ever seen, reaching halfway to the ceiling. it displayed a vulpine male embracing another, who was impaled on the first's thick stone member.

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Zootopia movie script:SWAT act 2

How about something simple like "frozen popsicle" or "statuary disease" or.... chief bogo: mister mayor?! may i remind you that these "popsicles" as you call them are still alive with families who are right now very upset?

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Panels of deeply polished blood-red wood backed statuary of women of immense height and musculature, nude and glaringly anatomically correct. "this is the hall of the huntresses." she provided as they continued.

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The Unforgiving Minute

He had purchased the land that he would later donate to one of canada's first national parks and decorated it with statuary and ruins from ancient greece, imperial rome and medieval europe.

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Down Once More

There was rubble everywhere: chunks of stone, brick, statuary, ashes... the walls were caked with soot, and the roof was caved in at numerous locations. erik felt a pang in his heart, for the splendor of his lair had turned into decay.

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