Save Yourself

I say to the cold air, watching as a whisp of my breath licks the front porch's dim light. its damn cold, i think to myself, wrapping my arms around my chest to try and insulate myself.

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Night Hag

"shhhhh..." the ghost whispered, and he felt her body shift above him, until he felt her lips push a caressing whisp of cold air into his face, before her cool lips found his own.

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Balance Of Power CH 6

Every once in a while, cynder would catch a whisp of black smoke flash in her peripheral vision. it was far away at first, but it was getting closer.

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Weird Dream #1

They seemed ethereal, as their posture was so full of grace, it was like their feet never touched the ground--like a whisp. then i heard a calm, strong, yet polite voice speak to me. i turned, and there was a man.

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.9

Mark whisp... "oh yuri...i love you so much." mark whispered softly as he gently stroked my cheek. "mark..." he started to lean over to kiss me. _beep! beep!...beep! beep!_ i slammed my fist down on the snooze button on my alarm clock.

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Abandoned Project (Otherwise Untitled)

Doctor bane, her whiskers and facial fur bearing stark whisps of gray, gave a thumbs up to the captain as the stealth system kicked on. captain hitch looked to the ship's pilot, "we make it in without notice?"

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The Cat Who Dreamed in Opal and Diamond Installment 3.0

The coyote stood and pulled her hood back up, turning to the shadows once more like a whisp of smoke. eisa couldn't do anything to follow her, she knew it, and yet she reached out as though she could take it all back, undo her weakness. she wanted it.

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Adventures usually lead to death.

A well, with a corpse lying over its lip shone with what looked like a whisp, only it was darker in its center, and exuded a sort of welcoming darkness. humanity.

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C is for. . .

Nico purred to himself, half gargling what he'd caught while the rest curled over his chin and chest, jacques manliness cooking off in small whisps of steam.

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In a Sympathetic World

Until like a wilting flower it fades away, like plumes of smoke being whisped out of existance by the cruel winds of change. i was lucky enough to find love and cherish it, finding it right under my nose. lucas is what they called him.

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Rarity's Burning Haunt 2

Then, another whisp of flame erupts, but rarity doesn't see it. she glances from side to side. "now, where could that be?" soon, she sniffs the air. "hm... is that a wood fire going? somewhere else in the house or, ah!"

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Forgotten Memories : Chapter Two

His breathing slows as a sensation of warmth covers him, his shoulder and chest tingling slightly as though brushed by a feather or whisp, though far from an uncomfortable feeling.

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