Scorched Earth
"À la claire fontaine m'en allai promener (I went for a walk to the clear blue fountain today) J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle que je m'y suis baignée (The water was so pretty I had to take a dip) Tu as le coeur à rire, moi, je l'ai à pleurer (Your heart...
Acrobatics, Adventure, Alien, Alternate Society, Amnesia, Anarchism, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromantic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Avian, Battle, Bear, Bird, Biting, Breaking, Bridge, Bug, Character Development, Cockroach, Communism, Crinoid, Cryonics, Cyborg, Daughter, Death, Depression, Desert, Disarming, Dodo, Drugs, Electricity, Ermine, Fear, Female, Fight, Fighting, Friendship, Games, Grass, Heat, Hedgehog, Hybrid, Ice, Immortality, Insect, Jackal, Killer, Lamprey, Machine, Mammal, Morphing, Mother, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Music, Needles, No-Yiff, Noir, Novel, Panda, Partners, Pet, Pirate, Plant, Plot Development, Porcupine, Postfurry, Revenge, Revolution, Roach, Robot, SFW, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Scifi, Shapeshifting, Ships, Singing, Snow, Socialism, Space, Space pirates, Staff, Stealing, Story Arc, Suicide, Sword, Theft, Throwing up, Tool, Transformation, Transgender, Transhumanism, Transwoman, Video Games, Weapon, Whodunit, ace, anarchy, antennae, antlion, aro, bamboo, break, clawing, cold, combat, controller, electrocution, flamingo, friend, gaming, garrote, hacking, handstand, invertebrate, jellyfish, jump, kick, kill, killing, knife, lightning, loss, martial arts, mental health, metamorphosis, mom, multifur, partner, pets, planet, punch, quicksand, roommate, sand, serial killer, sing, song, spaceships, steal, stick, sticks, swords, thief, thieves, throw, tools, trans, trenchcoat, upside-down, vomit, work, yarn
Out Of Mind
"Where is my mind? Way out in the water See it swimmin'..." (The Pixies, Where Is My Mind?) It'd been one of those mornings on which Fran just hadn't felt like getting up at all. What good could come from it? She hadn't been able to picture...
Ableism, Adaptation, Adventure, Alien, Alternate Society, Amber, Amnesia, Anarchism, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromantic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Avian, Battle, Bird, Bug, Car, Centipede, Character Development, Cigarette, Clean, Cockroach, Communism, Cooking, Crinoid, Cyborg, Daughter, Death, Deinonychus, Depression, Desert, Detective, Dinosaur, Female, Fight, Fighting, Food, Free, Friendship, Games, Giraffe, Hive mind, Hybrid, Immortality, Insect, Interdependence, Jackal, Lamprey, Liberty, Machine, Mammal, Mantis, Morphing, Mother, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Music, No-Yiff, Noir, Novel, Partners, Pet, Pirate, Plant, Plot Development, Postfurry, Pterodactyl, Radicalism, Radicals, Rebellion, Reptile, Revolution, Roach, Robot, SFW, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Scifi, Separation, Shapeshifting, Singing, Smoking, Socialism, Space, Space pirates, Story Arc, Swimming, Teaching, Training, Transformation, Transgender, Transhumanism, Transwoman, Video Games, Whodunit, ace, anarchy, animal, animals, ant, antennae, ants, anxiety, aro, cars, chores, cig, cleaning, coffee, combat, dishes, driving, flamingo, freedom, friend, gaming, independence, invertebrate, loss, martial arts, memory, mental health, metamorphosis, mom, multifur, partner, pets, phone, pixies, planet, quit, quitting, radical, revolt, roommate, sing, smell, smelling, smoke, song, swim, teach, tech, technology, train, trans, trenchcoat, vacation, wash, washing, water, work, write, writer, writing
The Master's Tools
"Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things." (Terry Pratchett) "So these robot masters," Fran's roommate had asked her as she'd been playing Mega Man, "they're supposed to have been built to do just this one job, right?" The jackal had...
Adventure, Alien, Alternate Society, Amber, Amnesia, Anarchism, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromantic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Avalanche, Avian, Beetle, Bicycles, Bird, Black hole, Blue Jay, Breaking, Bug, Canary, Carpentry, Character Development, Cockroach, Communism, Cooking, Crime, Crinoid, Cryonics, Cyborg, Daughter, Death, Deinonychus, Depression, Dinosaur, Female, Food, Friendship, Games, Ghost, Giraffe, Glowworm, Grasshopper, Grassroots, Hedgehog, Heron, Hive mind, Hybrid, Hyena, Ice, Immortality, Insect, Investigation, Jackal, Kiwi, Lamprey, Machine, Mammal, Mantis, Mediation, Mega Man, Morphing, Moss, Mother, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Murder, Museum, Mushroom, Mystery, Needles, No-Yiff, Noir, Novel, Object, Parrot, Partners, Plant, Plot Development, Porcupine, Possum, Postfurry, Pterodactyl, Remote control, Reptile, Revolution, Rhipicerid beetle, Roach, Robot, SFW, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Scifi, Shapeshifting, Ships, Sieve, Smuggle, Smuggling, Snake, Socialism, Space, Space pirates, Speaker, Spider, Stealing, Story Arc, Tardigrade, Theft, Tool, Transformation, Transgender, Transhumanism, Transwoman, Treehopper, Trilobite, Video Games, War, Whodunit, Yoke, ace, anarchy, ant, ants, aro, bacteria, bikes, bioluminescence, break, brontosaur, chores, closet, clothes, dragonfly, drill, flamingo, friend, gaming, gasmask, hacking, invertebrate, loss, master, megaman, mental health, metamorphosis, mom, moth, multifur, objectification, orchid, partner, pirates, planet, plesiosaur, puffin, roommate, siren, spaceships, steal, stegosaur, tf, thief, thieves, tools, toucan, trans
Water Flowing Underground
"After everything, it's still you." (Undertale, Genocide Run) "It was you, wasn't it?" The humanoid ant queen had stared Fran down severely from her earthen throne. "You killed the ants, didn't you?" The queen had brandished a bloodied ant skull in...
Activism, Adventure, Alien, Alternate Society, Anarchism, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromantic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Barter, Beaker, Bird, Bird of Paradise, Bisexual, Blue Jay, Bug, Character Development, Cockroach, Communicator, Communism, Coyote, Crime, Crinoid, Cuckoo, Cyborg, Dance, Dancing, Death, Dinosaur, Dodo, Dopamine, Dream, Drink, Drinking, Drugs, Endorphins, Ermine, Female, Fish, Food, Fountains, Freezing, Friendship, Games, Gay, Ghost, Glowworm, Hedgehog, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Hybrid, Ice, Immortality, Insect, Investigation, Jackal, Lamprey, M/M, M/M/F, Machine, Male/Female, Male/Male, Male/male/female, Mammal, Mantis, Mollusk, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Noir, Novel, Otter, Parrot, Partners, Pet, Plant, Plot Development, Pools, Porcupine, Postfurry, Programming, Questioning, Rainbowfish, Reptile, Roach, Robot, Saltwater, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Sea slug, Sex, Silkworm, Slug, Smuggler, Smuggling, Socialism, Space, Space pirates, Springboard, Story Arc, Swimming, Threesome, Trade, Transgender, Transhumanism, Transwoman, Trilobite, Video Games, Walkingstick, Waterslides, Whodunit, Working, Zebrafish, ace, anarchy, ant, antlion, ants, aro, bar, bioluminescence, bodyguard, chores, coding, diving, eating, engineer, exception, flamingo, friend, gaming, hadrosaur, hummingbird, invertebrate, levitation, multifur, nightmare, orchid, partner, pets, phone, pirates, planet, plankton, polyamory, puffin, roommate, siren, tech, technology, tendrils, termite, toucan, trading, trans, trust, water, waves, work, writing
What Ships Are For
"Nobody's gonna show you the way, nobody's gonna hold your hand..." (Zeal & Ardor) "We can't even imagine what it was like for people on boats back in those days," Fran's roommate had said. "When they'd cross the ocean, it was like, on this...
Action, Adventure, Airplane, Alien, Alternate Society, Anarchism, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromatic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Avian, Barter, Battle, Beaker, Bike, Bird, Bird of Paradise, Blowfish, Boat, Book, Bug, Buses, Cabin, Camel, Car, Carpentry, Catfish, Cave, Cephalopod, Character Development, Cigarette, Clockwork, Cockroach, Cog, Communism, Crime, Crinoid, Cuckoo, Cyborg, Death, Desert, Dinosaur, Dodo, Exporting, Family, Female, Fight, Fighting, Fire, Fish, Flask, Flight, Flying, Friendship, Ghost, Giraffe, Grove, Hybrid, Ice, Immortality, Importing, Insect, Investigation, Jackal, Kiwi, Lamprey, Logs, Machine, Mammal, Mantis, Map, Metal, Mollusk, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Murder, Navigation, No-Yiff, Noir, Novel, Organism, Partners, Pilot, Piloting, Plane, Plant, Pleco, Plot Development, Possum, Postfurry, Programming, Public Transit, Questioning, Reptile, Roach, Robot, Rock, SFW, Salt, Scarf, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Scifi, Shark, Ship, Shooting, Silkworm, Snow, Socialism, Space, Squid, Story Arc, Trade, Transgender, Transhumanism, Transport, Transwoman, Trilobite, Violence, Violence (Not In Yiff), Walkingstick, Weapon, Whodunit, Wings, Working, ace, albatross, anarchy, ants, aro, bees, bicycle, biking, boats, bodyguard, bottle, bus, cactus, cavern, chase, cig, clock, coding, combat, danger, delivery, driving, engineer, fern, fireplace, flamingo, friend, glass, glass blowing, hadrosaur, independence, invertebrate, killing, lava, mangrove, maps, mental health, mirror, multifur, orchid, organ, palm trees, partner, phobia, pickax, planet, pursuit, roommate, russian, safety, saw, shipping, shovel, smoke, spaceship, stilts, submarine, tech, technology, tendrils, termite, trading, trans, transit, transportation, triceratops, trip, trust, tunnel, underground, volcano, water, wood, work