Confusion part 9
His eyes shifted towards the door and zen was now gone. ‘i'm sorry zen..' * * * as zen walked passed mark he tried to conceal his tears. "zen are you ok?" "can we go home please?" zen said trying his best not to break down. "yeah."
Travenity: Zen- Into the New World
It rose out of zen's hands and zen watched as it floated, levitating into the sky above him. "zen" the orange orb spoke. zen looked bewildered but the amazement suddenly diminished.
A Life Story Part 2: Zen Hunt
zen gasped.
Coming at a Convenient Time. (NSFW Short Story)
zen was pulled on top of mal, his hands grinding against the floor. "breed me more, zen. fill me to the brim," mal pleaded, stroking the fox's back. "mmm..." zen nodded, moving his hips back before pushing them forward.
Confusion part 2
zen looked at the floor "sorry." "dude, i totally understand." zen smiled "thanks." after a few weeks zen had felt like he knew his parents since he was born. "so how's school zen?" "great!
Gym Buddies
Looking up, zen saw the quail's thick chest over his face. zen could barely see his friend's face.
A Life's Story Part three: Quick Decisions
zen sighed and turned to leave. "wait! zen, your friends already found me!"
Confusion part 3
When david found zen he was by the lake. "hey, sorry for over reacting...zen did you mean what you said?" this is kind of a dumb question because he kissed me..' zen looked at the ground. "yeah..." "zen..."
The thing about bad luck...
He and zen had made their way to a small clearing before zen stopped his running and flipped around to face the angry grey wolf.
Twokinds: Fool's Mate
Keith looked at zen, and wondered. he thought he saw the gist of the wolves' argument now; zen obstinate that natani should get his rightful turn, even though it was zen's first time.
The Game Chapter 3
He pressed his whole finger through zen's ass, gave one mighty suck on zen's lower cocks and thrust his, long, prehensile dick as far as it would go down zen's throat.
Summer Heat – Extra Chapter: Discovered lie
zen felt the boy twitch under him.