Overworked, and Worked Over

Drake glanced up at a picture of himself and his agent at his first book signing. the dog's face was a mix of excitement and pure unadulterated terror. try as he might hide it. 'you utter, deluded imbecile, can't even feel the claws ripping in yet.'

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"miss," she purred, "i represent lord mistwillow, i'm here about the book signing." my ears flicked and i nodded. "ahhhh...," i rumbled," ohh, right." "i really should talk with the manager," the leopard replied dismissively.

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The Grease Trap - Part II "Butterfingered"

Fill out these here form's, read through this book, sign this shit, and bring it back in'ere tomorrow mornin' at eight. got it?" taking hold of the paperwork, relief washing over him, the chubby wolf was noticably less tense. "thank you sir!

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Bequeathed by Moonlight

I was already late for my book signing. i grunted and tried to get up. but for some reason i found myself trapped inside a dark space. darkness hugged me from all sides, hugged me like a long lost friend. my heart started to thud.

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I Made Love To A Ghost

To see how you were," he paused to peer down at the husky, "and make sure you attended the book signing today." a consequence of having a successful career as an author: public relations. "yes, i was just, er, getting ready."

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The Search

"just have to put up a few posters advertising the book signing, and provide a table and a quiet corner where he can sit and chat with the fans," marge replied, "the publicist is going to call me next week to arrange for the last details."

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Bound by Destiny 17

J.r. nodded before giving a tap to her forehead gently before reaching to her pocket to pull out a cheque book, signing it quickly before handing over a cheque on over 100 million yen, "should this cover the cost?"

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Bound by Destiny 17

J.r. nodded before giving a tap to her forehead gently before reaching to her pocket to pull out a cheque book, signing it quickly before handing over a cheque on over 100 million yen, "should this cover the cost?"

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Arriving at Astol

That's a green building with the open-book sign, so it should be pretty easy to spot. turn to the east on that road and follow it for several blocks. you'll be able to smell it pretty easily, so it shouldn't be too difficult to locate.

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Chapter I: He's Everywhere

"book signing, public appearances, contracts and deals... urgh... what happened to the good old days when we were fighting for what was _right_and not the money?"

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Mortality Prologue and Chapter 1

He easily made half a million per year and that was excluding all the book signings, public appearances and endorsements.

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Having met the famed writer and occultist at a book signing at the bookstore where she worrks, and being a huge fan, she promptly recieved an autograph and a cell phone selfie before leaving the surprised raven her number.

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