The Dark Arts

Only when she came within several feet of him could lukas make out the rapid-fire obscenities belting out of her throat, the words muffled by a cloth gag between her teeth. razaiel stepped in front of her. "a fine vessel, indeed.

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She was blindfolded and the cloth gag placed in her muzzle was foul-tasting.

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The Education of Crisp: Business Matters

Crisp opened his mouth, but they shoved a cloth gag inside, keeping him quiet, and with his hands pulled behind his back, he couldn't summon another spell. _kidnapping. what...why? what do they want?

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 13

He was tied together with rough looking rope, and had an off-white cloth gag within his mouth. the old man's eyes went to infinity, and then gave the aiming woman a narrowed gaze.

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Target of Passion

From the bag, she pulled a pair of cloth gags, placing on in each of the sibling's mouths. "just a little extra fun," she purred. gently pulling mika's back, she looped a supple cord around them, restraining them behind scout's back.

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Tour Gone Wrong Pt. 2-Comission by Amethyst Mare

Someone had wedged a cloth gag, ripped from one of the merchandise shirts into his mouth, and the horse tongued it, working it free.

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Not that she could even cry loud enough for her voice to be heard from more than a few steps away, with her snout taped so firmly shut and the cloth gagging her and breathing so difficult!

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Dragonrider: Second Flight

She slowly pushed open the bedroom door, a cloth gag in one hand and a length of rope in the other. moonlight through the window shone directly on the bed, illuminating her prize. she took two steps inside and her head exploded in pain.

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Chapter 4: Big Bad Consequences

"plmmf sfft" ilysa murmurs out from the cloth gag. the wolf was rubbing an index finger up and down over her pussy lips, he still can't seem to get her wet.

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The House Of The Dragons - Chapter 1

With a mild chuckle at his own thoughtlessness the well spoken visitor gently removed the cloth gag...followed swiftly by the blindfold. "my sincere apologies...these will no longer be necessary."

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