Border Worlds Tales Two: Fighter down

So you want some advice, listen to what your wingman tells you and don't pull any crazy stunts. one thing you should never do is leave your wingman to fend for himself, that's one way of getting yourself killed."

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To milk a fairy

That was a crazy stunt you played back there but, ah!" ries gasped as her eyes met her. for what she was staring at was trish but...not quite all fairy anymore. she had the same blond buns of hair, and wings but looked more a shade of blue.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 32

"and that you actually managed to pull that crazy stunt?" jackson asked, still holding the imminent explosion he was going to have. "yes! you know, sometimes i even amaze myself" ramirez said with a grin.

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Pokebrothel 9

I just didn't want you to put you through a really crazy stunt that would warrant making you keep a permanent record. don't feel bad about it, i have quite a big collection of those myself," crystal said.

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The wonderful life of a college student

I was a great action flick but it was definitely one of jason's repetitive roles as a bad guy gone vigilante and saves someone with crazy stunts and blood and gore too.

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Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 7

"we got to the top and i'm pleading with hodedef not to try this crazy stunt and he says "you're a guardian of the pharaoh?" to which i replied. "i deal with dead people your grace!" "woosh!" "off he goes and i soak my fur."

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Black Meridian 04: Borderlands

It had been only three days, but he hadn't woken up stressed once yet, worrying over what insane stunt his father was likely to pull that day. he exhaled contently, turning back and heading in towards merissa's tent.

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In His Shoes

He would quickly change off from news or politics in search of fast-paced action sequences and crazy stunts. a documentary on paragliding held his attention for a good while, providing lots of awesome views.

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Tensai's Records - Pandora: Chapter 1

But then again, he'd done this before, frequently just before nagato pulled some crazy stunt that would bring him something very good.

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Pleasantly Outfoxxed

What kind of crazy stunt are you pulling now?" he demanded. gradius seemed to find the reaction hilarious, and fell to his knees, holding his gut and speaking fractured words through his giggles "it's ahaaha...

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To Light the Darkness: Phase 1

stunt two days ago but whatever that was its doing a whole world of good for the chakats living here."

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Integration: Part One

"then those maternal instincts merge with the predator kind and you end up with that crazy stunt we pulled at the beginning. i would never trust anyone else to do that. christ, i know damn well how crazy it is.

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