Commission: Rise To The Challenge

The feral pokémon had his hands tied tight behind his back and legs bound together, leaving him unable to really move anywhere.

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 1

He attempted to fight back with his leaf blade attack, but with the feral pokémon all over him, the movement of his arms was restricted, leaving him virtually defenseless.

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Ilex Legend 1: The Forest

"and just what will you do if you're attacked by some big feral pokémon, hmm? you'll have to take bete with you, felix."_ _felix had groaned to himself.

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A Satisfied Customer

The lion was wearing a blush, like a long pool of scarlet in a green forest, and looked back at the feral pokémon with emerald, pleading eyes. ceylon took in the sight for a few moments, before shifting his hips forward.

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Catching On

#6 of hidden lifestyle a company called unovanish is in charge of keeping castelia city free of feral pokémon through practices the owner's daughter disagrees with strongly.

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#15 of hidden lifestyle a company called unovanish is in charge of keeping castelia city free of feral pokémon through practices the owner's daughter disagrees with strongly.

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Days Before

#1 of hidden lifestyle a company called unovanish is in charge of keeping castelia city free of feral pokémon through practices the owner's daughter disagrees with strongly.

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Rescue Guild Adventures - Target Practice

If we're battling feral pokémon or an outlaw, especially you low level members have to use your attacks super effectively. in fact, try to avoid even launching attacks unless you know they'll have an impact!

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Milky Nights

He twitched a bit, not quite embarrassed by his arousal--what feral pokémon would be?--but instead feeling a twinge of lust. a deviant thought passed through the fox's head.

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Taste of the Tropics [Patron Reward]

She'd been told there were places that were unsafe, that feral pokémon could get quite rowdy or aggressive. but she'd yet to see a single one that wasn't docile and polite, particularly when she had treats to give them.

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The Salazzle's Kiss

#10 of feral pokémon after losing his home in a nightly rainstorm, the braixen finn finds shelter in the antechamber of a cave only to meet its original inhabitant the next morning, a salazzle who still has room in her harem and convinces the male to stay

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