Sibirskaia: Sticks & Stones Part 1

He wouldn't have to suffer her hateful love, hear her cooing degradations, or see her triumphant smile. instead, he would be with his boyfriend, hunter, and with their best friend, mic. he would be accepted and loved.

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Fates of the Unicorns - 92 - Trauma

He gave a shrug, "hot, powerful emotions, hate, love, fear, pleasure... they sometimes.. mix. she went through an intense experience, felt powerful feelings that make everything else seem mild.

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Closing time

The look on her face; the one where sara hated loving it. the look of a toy who was being used and, despite the pain, she was being pleasured by it. he growled loudly, gritting his teeth as he thrust against her for all he was worth.

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A hero is born

Since you're so driven by hate, love his going to be the hardest thing to tackle. everything involved with love comes now." she came his way. he didn't bother to stop.

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Zerrex looked up at her silently, tears rolling down his cheeks as he hugged the teddy bear tight, tight against his chest, tight against his ragged, dirty uniform, as he looked at (feared, hated, loved) the little girl that shone so brightly, around

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Head of the Class

Even the teachers he hated loved him. it was the last thing he wanted. nerds weren't popular at benson high. that could be said at almost any school, but benson had a particularly bad reputation with those of heightened intelligence.

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For Him and I Part 1

Clarissa hated loving it so much. it was impossible for her to deny that stella was living her fantasy. clarissa was never the woman to seek out a cure for her sexual frustrations from another man.

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"damn" she said to herself, lightly punching the door, "i hate love" she sighed and rested her had between her legs, hugging them tight. she then started laughing silently to her self, raising her head as she giggled.

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Prelude to Madness

It's just discord being a big old meanie pants again to try to make me hate loving fun and laughter. and i almost never fall for the same trick twice! "oh dear, are you all right?

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 19

Her body was filled with conflicting emotions: fear, anger, hate, love, sorrow, and pain... but there was also a deep, unsettling joy that scared her, a vicious thrill as she turned the revolver back and forth and said in a low, dark voice: "i don't want to

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Virtually Real Chapter 64: The Kobold Connection

Not just memories, but feelings, fears, hates, loves, so much all at once. it was like when i let wolf control me i was watching everything. being tied up to a post and left to struggle and fight my own way out by my cousins.

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Mingling Universes - Chaos Threshold

I hated, loved, her for that grin. my annoyance wasn't nearly enough to stop me from obeying. she had me, the longer her knots were outside me, the more powerful my instincts became.

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