Serving the Herd

Go back to camp and co-ordinate, get an info dump from the other listening posts when i activate them." he tapped a few buttons on the terminal in front of him, shutting down his own display.

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Scanning up and down the page with her finger, she hmmed and muttered to herself for a few seconds while sparhawk just stood at the ready, waiting for the info dump. "okay. here we go." mira perked up, and gave her tail another swish.

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Deviant Delights #25 - Damage Control

On each new fish, he described its species, what it liked to eat, among other random tidbits and facts as he info-dumped. it was one of the few things as a 'human' that he was really into, especially after being encouraged to pursue it.

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Love and Latte's: A Bunny's Bounty - Episode 6

Can even info dump most of the social media sites with the details. anyone who has so much as sold the guy a coffee would know he was a rapist." the wolf grinned wide and flicked his tail about. "perfect.

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 5 Part 2

Without devidramon's hypnotic info-dumps, i have to learn the old-fashioned way," blackgato said, holding up the pad. imp sat down on the bed. "what were ya readin' about?" he asked.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 8

She's not doing so well lately with info dumps." "yes, a gravid female late into her term may well be averse to large collections of information. pregnancy is rife with hormonal pressures, which inhibit many mental faculties.

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Mind The Gap

Obligatory content warning: this story contains sexual acts between multiple males, post-transformation, rough sex, size difference, domination/submission, master/pet play, and info dumping.

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Silverfox 06

"we don't see each other much, so we always end up boffing one another instead just going out and letting him do an info dump." "well, he loves you." shadowfox snorted. "he loves the woman i'm being around him. funny thing.


Coaxial (part 2)

Increased info dump rate, double the exams, and a lesson regimen that would've been a struggle for someone three years older than me. he wasn't too happy when i lagged behind, despite the fact i was passing grade, if barely."

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Where The Frost Rose Withers

Just a huge info dump about the virtues for the most part. i've felt like next to no one has ever looked into them, knowing what they are or what they mean. alot of it just seems so..." "unknown to the world?" the bear nodded sadly, then lightly chuckled

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Tales from the BellHunterVerse Ch1

Every call from home from that point forward yuri would receive an unwanted info-dump on his much-beloved runt of a brother.

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[The Immortals War] Prolog: Natasha and Talimer

Stand by for info dump pending computer resolution of emergency protocols. engines standing buy for emergency maneuvers. switching to manual flight control."

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