Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Planet Eleven: Collector Training Grounds

But with accepting the gift he may find out that he was in the area and vivid quickly made his way down to the mass transit system.

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The Umbrella Man

Faith orsen xaviel (more commonly called "fate" by her peers) was skimming down the mass transit highway of asus-53 in her streamline athlon nis issued car, pulled in by hq about a recent raucous near the young madison district.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 32

She was also exhausted, and felt crusty with travel, as if the practice of using mass transit somehow coated her skin under the fur with oil.

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Society, Culture, and General Planetary Traits

mass transit is ordinarily highly developed and expansive, and virtually every corner of most cities and large towns is served by one or more forms.

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Transformation Day

New automation technologies had melded privately owned vehicles with the efficiencies of mass transit, and ninety-five percent of all traffic accidents had been eliminated in developed areas.

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.hack//EVOLUTION - 05 - Protected

Only carmina gadelica had as many buildings for player use, so many so that cable trams drifted along from cluster to cluster in a network of mass transit.

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Rescue went wrong!

There were only a few pieces of evidence left to support such a claim, one of them being some maps of what used to be a big underground mass transit system connecting the entire city, something that the humans used to call "subway," proving that the city was

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Part V- Total Dallaireian Overhaul

Sometime later the cab dropped them off near a tube entrance, and ferro led reese up a narrow iron stairwell snaking its way above the mass transit station.

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The Adipose-Munich Run Part Two

One of the major metropolitan areas before the peak oil crisis, glasgow remained much as it did before the peak oil crisis due in part to the uk's greater reliance on mass transit then canada and the united states.

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The Adipose-Munich Run Part One

The racers gathered together and lined up their vehicles in front of the tom jerky mass transit center at the northern side of the city. here, buses and passenger trains connected adipose city with the rest of north america and beyond.

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Zootopia: First Strike part 11

We end up with a lot of our guys being in the zpd or the mass transit security force." dropkick remarked. "i decided to go a different direction." jackson replied. "my parents aren't disappointed at all. what about you?"

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The Most Famous Jackal of All

Kolyada pointed back up the street, to the mass transit stop, and suggested a walk. this, it seemed, was for the benefit of him, tory, and casey. paula and her daughter followed at some distance; dev, even further back. "first time here?" marco asked.

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