The Little Lynx. Part I

The lynx found she needed to use the toilet, sliding out of the armchair and opening the door. the bathroom was dark and empty, with the soft scent of strawberry coming from somewhere. miss cole probably lit up a few candles in here every now and again.

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A Simple Shoot.txt

Uh-huh." was the simple response from the girl, just past her nineteenth birthday but squirming and gripping herself like a four year old who needed to use the toilet!

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Udder Disaster

He twisted and turned as he managed to hold back his bladder, but it was the kind of dream one had when they really needed to use the toilet.

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Enemy 2

I need to use the toilet. oh, and here's a roomkey.. in case you need to crash for a while." oh he was going to crash alright! pay you back for several grey hairs and a permanent limp.. wagbears don't charge you if you stand still - hah!

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Breaking the Kallu 3: Under the Dragon's Heel

I imagine that you have a need to use the toilet after this long?" she blushed. that was...a bit more true than she wanted to admit. she had been made to march for some time, and she had been in a drugged-out trance for most of that.

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His Further Education 2

Spells that would keep him from needing to use the toilet. spells that would work to keep his libido high, ready, eager.

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A Routine Trip

The coyote began to feel the familiar sensation of needing to use the toilet. richard wasn't concerned; perhaps his last bowel movement had dislodged more waste he had been holding. he wouldn't need to worry about it for hours really.

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The Mind Control Conspiracy 12

"from now on, you're going to keep this plug in unless you need to use the toilet, or unless you are getting fucked," the older fox said, rubbing the steel plug against sean's puckering hole.

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Mitchell & Michael, Chapter 8 - Duties for the Day

I'm sure you need to use the toilet. then i want that plug back in your ass." the lion did as he was told, heading for the bathroom. he hadn't realised just how much he needed to go until he yanked the rubber plug out of his rear.

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Love Lost, Chapter 14b: Rotations, concluded.

Joe rapped upon it and advised burner that if he had needed to use the toilet, he could have come in rather than suffer in wait. the blaziken's first word was distorted by his bird-like nature.

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The Secret - Part 3

"i happened to need to use the toilet, and i heard ryan shout something. eventually i want to hear why you are wearing girl's underwear. but that can wait. we can decide what to tell your father tomorrow, if anything.

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Giving In (Letting Go Part 3)

He had severely needed to use the toilet and was unable to indulge that desire, so hearing the trigger-word gave him a much needed venting of pressure, but in doing so he was soaking his underwear with potent urine and risking a humiliatingly wet groin.

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