Continued Exchange, Part 4

He lunged at simba with an open maw and... "dad!" simba woke with a scream. birds flew from their perches. simba just sat there breathing heavily. he was safe. so long as he never went back, he was safe.

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Protein Shake - Part 2

The yote's skin tore and more gore poured out from his crushed chest cavity, dripping down stan's fingers, past his wrist and into his open maw below, some splashing on his muzzle and onto his pecs.

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Tails turns the table

\*he was letting out soft barks and yiffs as he continued to pound his shaft into the open maw\* now who are the bitches hmmm?

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Father And Son

Though the drake was his own flesh and blood, he had no qualms about asserting his dominance over the newly adult drake by letting his cock give that next heavy rope of pre straight into his open maw, lancing from the head of his cock to splatter over his

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Don't Tease The Dog

Each one was caressed by his open maw, his tongue rubbing along and his nose burying into his crack, and he clamped down. the skin was pinned between his white teeth, and he pulled back until it slipped from his jaws.

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The Breath of the Dragon (Musk Version)

The dragon let out a roar, belching the vilest, most putrid air straight into the canine's open maw. the potent poison in the breath hit the canine's lungs, flooding his bloodstream with the toxins.

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The Breath of the Dragon

The dragon let out a roar, belching the vilest, most putrid air straight into the canine's open maw. the potent poison in the breath hit the canine's lungs, flooding his bloodstream with the toxins.

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[Comm] Second Meeting

Fridis' whole body throbbed harder than before and he felt something pump through him, a thin salty liquid suddenly rushed out of his open maw, it was pre-cum.

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The King Relaxes

At the last moment he even pulled out and painted the fox's muzzle and open maw with streaks of his white nectar, leaving the servant panting and gasping for air, swimming in the strong musk of the king grinning with the masculine pleasure of dominating the

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Hypnovember 2023 - Day 15: Break (Claimed by Meeko)

Pleasure kept on piling on top of unreleased pleasure, bliss building up inside his body as his aching erection begged for release just as much as his open maw managed to do from time to time.

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Of Natural Bearing

This time jet after jet painted him from cock to nose, spattering into his open maw. he gurgled in his throat, his inner muscles clenching feebly with each cum-spurting contraction.

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Rescue brings torment

Lazmer was screaming into the shark's ass frustrations of her mindless nature when a sudden explosion of hot gas blew into his open maw. he immediately wretched, it was even worse than the toilet having that anus so close.

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