On the Goddess

The only other thing i have on melisha is that she's a sort of plant-woman, reminiscent of sylvari (if do not play guild wars 2, they're a young race of plant-people with strong faerie influence). welcome, sister melisha.


Summer Shower.

The plant girl said as she jumped on the bed with mimi, laying on her side to look at the woman with her deep emerald eyes. mimi didn't seem amused. "palmon, it's sunday, stores are closed..."

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Talaverse: Introducing Honey

They immediately launched into the most recent cute things that haypenny had done, including 'made a blanket fort' and 'stretched while making an adorable noise', and i half paid attention, letting my mind drift back to my plant girl.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 41 - The Inner Circle

Gatomon watched the plant girl run past her manservant. her cheeks were blushing as badly as the other female's. "i... um..." _calm down. keep it together!_ "i trust you will keep your tongue." it took several seconds for gazimon to find his voice.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 9 - I Choose You, Gomamon!

This just confused the plant girl more. she thought herself pretty cute. now an obviously horny male was refusing her; that was definitely a first. "really weird." she shook her head before going back to vulpix.

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Dust and Echoes - Part VIII

The plant girl loosened up from her statuesque stance and breathed a sigh of relief. "i'm not sure what, but that girl knows more than she's letting on. we need to see what she's got to offer us, carbon.

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 11 - The Rooster Talisman - Levitation

Biyomon writhed in pleasure as she lay there, bound to the bed, her cunny clearly visible to both aruraumon and gomamon as it dripped with her arousal, the bird digimon highly anticipating the moment that the plant girl reached her sex.

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Singularity - Part IV

The plant girl turned back around to pleadingly look back to her host. "it's only because i wanted you to fit in. i planned on slowly rolling a few things out once you were ready to handle them and--" "when i'm ready? hell, eve..."

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Singularity - Part XII

The plant girl pointed over to the barricaded doors and ended the link so her host would understand her better. "we need to stop them before they can sneak it away.

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