Is This Seat Taken?

The prompt was two strangers meeting in a public place and a misunderstanding. "do you mind if i sit here?"

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One Man's Curse - Part Three

To feel his bladder surrender any and all control of itself with no warning, and to feel hot urine soaking the diaper's miraculously absorbent, wholly leak free interior right there in this extremely public place.

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Nikki's Naked Nights

This month's theme was "alone time" and the story contains f/solo masturbation and nudity/exhibitionism in a public place.

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - S is for Stealth Masturbation

It was already so risky, so shameless and improper of her to be masturbating like this out in such a public place though.

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A Short Essay on the Furry Culture

Most people would believe that talking about the culture in a public place--say a school, for instance, would be considered immoral. many furries do indeed fall into the culture from sexual reasons, but that is seldom the true and only reason.

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A One-Man Masquerade

I was stuck here in a public place for another hour. if i just left, it would spark questions--difficult questions that i didn't want to answer. better to tough it out. i was good at that. far too good.

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Aileana 03 - Public (Park)

I suppose i'll have to write a sequel that takes place in more 'public' places. every so often, maybe once every couple of months, aileana got really, really horny.

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. <3 this short story contains f/f themes and f/solo sexual acts in a public place. :3 **cardio** sasha panted heavily as she rounded the final curve of the campus running track once again.

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The story of me.

So it is in a public place. my friends are all human. everyone is human here. it is even very rare that i see a fur in the museum itself. everyone came into the school not knowing each other.

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Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet The Analyst Chapter 1: In Which We Are Introduced to the Analyst, Serial Rapist/Killer of Goldenwood Forest

The analyst was a serial rapist/killer who would kidnap young male animals and rape them for days, then, when he was finished with them, he would kill them and dump the bodies in a public place.

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 21

"with all the bad news we've gotten, and everything, and we're in a really public place..." he said, still not looking at them. "i guess you're right... sorry, i didn't think about how you'd feel." mystic said sadly.

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Furtel 69 - Chapter 2

She frequently got comments and wolf whistles from unknown males when she walked alone on public places.

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