A Brother's Love, Ch 5

However for the time being he was stuck, impaled on a twitching dog cock and the mutt turning to stand tail to tail with him. all he could do was keep licking slowly, cleaning up his sister/mistress's soaking wet sex.

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Winston is places himself in position tail to tail with humphrey. both wolfs remain silent as they observe in different directions. winston enjoys the warmth of the bowels of humphrey around his penis.

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A Camping Trip

As he approaches the site he sees the wolf on mace dismount and turn tail to tail with him. phydoux chuckles softly and walks over to mace. "well i see you found a friend." mace looks up to phydoux with a soft smile.

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The End: Chapter 21: Time and Trauma.

So we simply lied there on the floor, tail to tail with one another and breathed heavily as we swam in the high that flooded our bodies. humphrey's p.o.v.

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Foxed Contact

After a time rufus relaxed his grip and placed both forelegs to one side of her, then lifted a hind leg up and over so they were standing tail to tail, still locked tightly together, still both pulsing away.

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Disney - Lady and The Tramp II: Angels First Heat

Tramp let out a happy bark as he came into the female below him before settling down and then finishing his tie but cocking one leg up and over the pomeranian and then standing tail to tail with her.

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Beasts on the Run

He had flipped his leg over her so they stood locked, tail to tail, giving her the advantage she needed. she twisted her upper body back around and dug her sharp canine teeth into the alpha's jugular before he could realize anything was amiss.

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One Hot summer's Day

The shepard slowly turned tail to tail with her and she enjoyed the afterglow, loving the feeling of his hard penis locked tight in her.

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Undisclosed Desires Chapter 2

The two of them laid tail to tail, bound together by kodi's knot, laced in silence save the pounding of their hearts and the panting of their breaths. however, as the silence droned, kodi began to think, then began to become worried.

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Dingo moves to be in position of tail to tail with dash. dash looks grateful to dingo. dingo makes a face funny as when he usually does to let him know it was okay.

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Kani turns over to be in a position to tail to tail with perdita. the wolf is satisfied and looks at his colleagues who also are content.

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