Ch 11. New Roles

"lem feels like he's a pup, not an otter...i mean, i've heard of fetishes, and trans-gender, but not cross species!" dex all but cried.

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Dancing in the Rain - Chapter Eight

trans..gender? yeah that one." i asked as i shut my door. "no baby, i like to dress up like a woman, i enjoy having a penis very much." he said making me laugh. "a female should never say that."

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"trans...gender?" the word was familiar to her. "but i'm a female." "i..." etis couldn't tell if he was going to be insensitive by saying it, but he came out with it anyway. "i feel as if you don't know, yijun, but this..."

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Hewlett\'s Taskings

"and if i remember correctly, you've tried to hook me up with ten guys, six girls, two traditional and one male-based hermaphrodite, a trans-gendered, a she-male and you little brother."

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A.I.: Automatonomic Intimacy

If things like depression/angst, thoughts of implied suicide, robots, sex with robots, trans gendered robots, and sexy fox robots offend you, then just up and leave. i'm not forcing you to read. if not, then pull your sheath down and enjoy.

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A World Away

"you see, i once knew this trans-gendered ditto, who took on the form of an arcanine with 5-" "heard enough, thanks," maverick cut in, waving his paws violently. "nice talking to you, darwin. see you thursday."

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Swiss Mix - Chapter 301-325

Are you one of those trans-gender girls, who started as a boy and has had a sex change?" "oh, i'm quite intact. i'm just very good at doing this. you really can't tell i'm a boy, even when you've been told it is true?" hannah asked. "nope.

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