Of Life and Sexuality, chapter one

I knew that sooner or later i had to admit my feelings to him, to tell him that i was bisexual. upon giving in to that thought, i suddenly felt confident and sure. it was true. i was a bisexual, and i was finally coming to grips with it.

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The Day And Life Of An Umbreon-Chapter 4

"i dont know...i think i have a fetish for umbreons and your the only other gay/bi person in the school plus your pretty good looking."

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A new life.

Ritva nodded watching as bi-pedal foxes and taurs exited buildings looking at their surroundings. she watched as kailia walked up to them. the bi-pedal vixen looked at eric, then at her. "can i be part of your family?"

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Mansion in the Woods: Characters

**gender:** herm **preference:** bi. fem prefrence.


New expirences 1

He wasn't embarrased about it, he just didnt want his father to know that hes aroused becuase he thinks he is starting to suspect something about him being bi. he had no choice but to unlock the door.

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The Cat's Stroll 07

Ti ping and bi gong sported magnificent incredulous expressions, but li ling looked to have realized something. nobody said anything, so wonlai continued to speak.

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Zack The Gentle Ferret

The inspiration for this story was that morenatsu dating sim game which inspired me to come up with an idea of a bisexual furry dating sim.

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Zombies are Wankers: You know how I Said There'd be Kinky Sex in This One?

NOTE: I had written several paragraphs TWICE, and just as I was NEXT TO FINISHED the second time, my computer just randomly shut down on me BOTH FUCKING TIMES because the power plug wasn't all the fucking way in. I had written that much smut, but now...

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The Shark Formerly Known As Social Koji

#3 of memories **8:30 pm** "ok, so we know damian is bisexual, not surprising but why don't we talk about why koji is so damn unsociable?", clara said as her drink started to set in. "i'm not bi!"

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Inferno High - Chapter 2

"wait, you're... bi?" [alex] "uhh... w-well- i-i mean-" "you're stuttering. he's bi." [me] "how does me stuttering make me bi?" "simple. you're trying to come up with an excuse or reason for not having preference of either gender."

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The Arousal part 3

I had just met this guy, not even 24 hours ago and i had already told him i was bisexual... i was bisexual. i don't think i can every get used to saying it or labeling myself like that.

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