Muted Light

The demon itself was that of lust, pure and unrequitted, and from the angle you saw, you could not even tell if it was anymore then a neigh thousand tentacles, all working toward the defilement of that pure and precious being caught in its grasp.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 65: Blessed Are The Ignorant

Alpha** | **\** **\<656/656\>** | **8\* named defilers** | **648 defilers** | | **mai, the corruptor alpha** | **\** **\<1420/1,630\>** | **14 named corruptors** | **1406 corruptors** | | **kuma, the

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 63: The Hangover

Alpha** | **\** **\<656/656\>** | **8\* named defilers** | **648 defilers** | | **mai, the corruptor alpha** | **\** **\<1420/1,630\>** | **14 named corruptors** | **1406 corruptors** | | **kuma, the

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 41: All Fools Fall

The bear girls tore one of the unlucky men apart with their bestial fury, while the other succumbed to the fireball barrage after the 'defilers' brought him down to his knees. a message flickered.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 1: Avila

No one actually knew which the fifth defiler was since the dragon trapped avila and shariot, a sapphire-scaled dragon and raithorakh's mate, were the only ones that fought him.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 12: Path to Ruin

Mia, the named defiler** **skill "great devourer lvl.3" gained.** **unit named! lia, the named defiler** **skill "great devourer lvl.4" gained.** **unit named!

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A Long Journey Home, Hope Among the Ruins

The defile was absolutely full of lilies, the special, very rare breed that was her favorite.

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The Wolf's Gaze

I will defile you, i will corrupt you and i will see you bear my seed!"

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 27: Foundation Must Be True

While i knew perfectly that a single 'defiler' could drain life from a small area around her, narita and her smaller kin pushed beyond what i'd expected.

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