Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A

.** what, you're gonna let that guy with a blue cap and nightstick deal with a raging gyrados or interrogate a someone they can't understand? pokemon criminals require pokemon police.

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The Kanto Challenge: Chapter 1

I had to face a gyrados after a kingdra, and i knocked him out, but not after taking some heavy damage, so i passed out after i saw him fall down. i guess luna had to choose someone to send out and she just chose poorly.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 3: Fury of Drake

"takes a lot to stop a gyrados." "we made sure of that." luke assured sickle. "that gyarados won't be leaving his cell anytime soon, that much i promise you." sickle nodded. "good to know," he said.

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Chase the Moon

There wasn't any bad blood, though, spike had taken to combat like a gyrados to water and seemed to have a lot of fun doing it, and outside of some gentle ribbing, john didn't bring up his inability to train outside of heated arguments that were a rarity now

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New Journey Chapter 27: Nightmare

Looking around, seth found a wailord and a gyrados fighting. in his own mind, seth had no need for privacy or denial. he was basically a pokephile after all, boundaries weren't in his realm.

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Sinori's Story - Chapter Four

The red gyrados roared again, this time in delight as well as anger, and began chasing after them.

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New evolution side stories: Cubs Christmas

The trade ship gyrados was still the only boat that could manage the trip as the location of the island was protected by magnetic rocks that scrambled any sort of navigation, with the captain been the only one who knew how to get there and back safely.

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 5 (Part 1)

gyrados reached its destination; pokemorph island. just as the captain had described, it truly was a beautiful island. the first sight everyone was greeted with was the gorgeous beach.

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Pokemon: QATM Chapter 13

He walked with dignity, and just the sight of him gave mark a sense of intimidation, not because of how he looked, but because of the look in his eyes -like staring into the face of a gyrados, filled both with power and knowledge.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 5: History

Just like when that gyrados attacked azure; you didn't let your fear show, and you used all of your power to take the bastard down. at least enough so that katsu, kage and i could handle him alone." luke looked over to volcan.

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