Zara meets Octavius

He really wished he had brought an id or something to clear things up, but hindsight-- "why do you continue to stand in silence, my zarlette?!"

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The Last Game of the Master Domino Player

There were a few spots back then and last year i was not in a good place and it might show in some of my writings, just want to give that little warning now with the benefit of hindsight on things to come.

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Now, it's all very clear what happened in hindsight, but let me tell you - it took us a lot longer to connect the dots and realise we were both fantasising about the same person when we were in the thick of things, when we were trying to balance our college

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greek mythos

Dance his eyes go blind with the mix of antisipation with his unbridled loves unification remembering they times they been so near overtaking by his matching movement feeling the need to exzube his fulants he realses in pleasure not maxed in hindsight

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 12: Path to Ruin

I didn't quite realise it when i arrived here for the first time, but it was obvious in hindsight that roads like this were rare in ancient times.

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Nothing Greater: Chapter 8

In fact, in hindsight, it was probably better that he learn all that stuff before he evolved, because now everything was so much easier.

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Life Between The Stalls

He watched me as i picked up the glass, in hindsight that might have been a sign something was fishy, but hey, i wasn't about to pass up a free drink.

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Nik related, "thought the same at the time, but hindsight is a cruel mistress." "not on my end" sam assured, "i'm a nomad, i'll have your place if you'll have me."

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Ballbusting haikus

Probably both he's a masochist she's a sadist, through and through what a lucky pair in hindsight, bad plan, betting you could take those kicks props, though -- that took balls! could they take her weight?

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I should have never signed up with auramus, in hindsight. i made a big fucking mistake. i should have accepted reality as it is.

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Cheers, I'm out.

I feel fucking 20 again, that fight and fuck everyone male drive is back, more importantly, it clued me in on, in hindsight, the very obvious fact that i should be on antidepressants.


Fangs and Tusks [3/?]

In hindsight, i didn't know how i got the strength to push an orc, but before shurod could react, i climbed on top of the bed between his legs, where i began to stroke his cock, which was just two inches short of being a foot long.

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