The Trainer, Ch 1-2 (READ THE WARNING)

. - she touched the naked body of hugh, who tried to make distance from her. - what is your name soldier? - corporal, hugh sanders. - - hugh? i will call you huge!

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Vision: Chapter 3

hugh then noticed his glare. "michael?" said hugh. michael still stared him down and then spoke again.

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Taming the Wilds Chapter 13

A sickening crunch echoed in the space as hugh bodychecked the shoufeyan, followed by an explosion from the minotaur's feet that obscured hugh from view in a cloud of smoke and flames. no. not hugh. not him.

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Notches on the Headboard - Part 3

After all, they had been partners in the detectives' bureau together until hugh retired three years ago to collect his pension and start his own restaurant. "how've you been, hugh?" asked leo.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 141

Corporal cartier brushed past him before turning to agent hugh. "so, which locker?" hugh turned to nathanial. the akita pulled out his phone and held it up. "i'll know in a second."

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The Worst Possible Moment

hugh cried his lover's name. "baby! _yes_!" the otter shrieked to hugh in return. backs arched. toes curled. mouths fell slack.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 143

hugh glowered back. "talk after. i want that disgusting thing gone, and i can't get rid of it until we know _how_it happened." liam felt his hackles rising. "no. i will talk to you, _now!_ nathanial nearly _died,_ agent hugh!"

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A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 10

The footage showed hugh taking marcus to an all animal club in the city. he was being honest about that it seemed. when they left the club, they returned to hugh's apartment and went to sleep.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 24 of 37

hughes' son." "remy!?" i flinched, startled. ursula looked at me, "yeah, remy. mr. hughes' son, rembrandt hughes. he was the one who hit your sister." "well how do you know it was him? i inched closer at her beckon.

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A Weekend in the Country

Her eyes opened to see hugh there, wearing nothing but his trademark winning smile. "what are you here for, hugh?" she said, closing her eyes again. even in this situation, she wasn't nervous.

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A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 5

hugh slipped a card from his wallet. "hello officer... um..." "cole," the polar bear said. "officer cole, i am professor james hugh from the universal defense committee.

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