Oral Fixation

"light cigarettes, e-cigarettes, nicotine inhaler, nicotine patch, a pack a day of nicotine gum, vaping, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, meditation, hydrotherapy..."

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chapter 6 - A wolf with a false past - A kendowolf story

Your family and i took you to your councler and he used hypnotherapy to make you forget everything that happened when you were gone and returned you to your old self.

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Good Dog

Since i have specialized in hypnotherapy, i'm going to put you into a deep trance. i just want to make you and catherine's fantasies to become reality" now i was starting to get interested in this video.

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A Small Trance: Fantasy in Hir Mind

At least according to the professional appearing fox on the screen, apparently a doctor of sexual hypnotherapy, though shiveneve privately doubted he was anything so respectable. still if narse said it really worked, shi might as well give it a try.

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Fire and Ice

A/n: writer's block on other stories and a debate on hypnotherapy with a co-worker equals this little dalliance of smut. hopefully readers will enjoy, and it will clear the block enough for other works.

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All in the Mind

"a snake practicing hypnotherapy?" anya glared and orville, who grinned at her. "if it wasn't for that bloody cartoon..." she muttered darkly "ah ah...the jungle book was published in 1894."

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Last Resort: Chapter 4 (Final)

This was the hypnotherapy's fault. or was it? was he really to blame for how joey felt? had he fucked up joey's life for his own gain?

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Addiction Therapy: Second Session

When things unexpectedly come up in the second hypnotherapy session, the doctor finds himself struggling with some hard truths about his own slipping willpower. how close to the line is over it? "good morning, doctor!" dr.

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Dirty Cop, Clean Slate

"ladies, please escort these five to the hypnotherapy room." pamela commanded, getting up from her magic chair which dissipated as soon as she left it. "we'll start our sessions at once."

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What's Past is Prologue

I'm reasonably sure that your annual dues to various affiliations, including those accrediting your skills in talking therapy and hypnotherapy, are up to date. you're too fastidious not to keep them current." "i think you mean 'too vain.'

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Hypnoaddicts Anonymous (Part I)

Got depressed, couldn't really afford therapy, found this freelance guy, except when he did the hypnotherapy he didn't bring me back out, and he knew nobody was gonna miss me.

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A Sweet Change

She always had a craving for sweets, and after a long bout of hypnotherapy sessions she finally overcame her smoking addiction.

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