A Happy Ending
Liam and jupiter reach the edge of the temple grounds and bolt heedlessly into the thick forest undergrowth. "we can't stop, jupiter."
January 2020 Mini-Fics [Compilation]
Unenthused and tired - jupiter made his way over to the wall of boxes set before him.
The Beast and the Burden (Chapter 17, book7)
Tamamo knelt besides jupiter's body. she closed his distant, cold eyes with her fingers. silence. the kitsune sighed, mourning his loss and romanticizing jupiter's greatness and sacrifice in her heart.
New Home at the Petting Zoo
Ricardo and jupiter slowly waddle through the petting zoo. people constantly stop them to take pictures and pet them. jupiter stays close to ricardo and tries to handle the attention.
Revolution | Chapter XXVII: Final Moments
jupiter definitely scared me more than that. if he saw me, he was going to try to do as much as he could and stop me.
William C. Shaper's story
I was already an old wizard when i met jupiter. she was a lovely young witch who seemed to have great potential, but many other new spell casters didn't care about her.
S4 Ep6-Jupiter and Jenifer's wedding
So the remaining members of the moonstone family + the extended one showed up on jupiter's side of the family as jenifer's family had shown up as well.
Revolution | Chapter XXVIII: For the Common Good
I looked back at the ocean then at jupiter. my mind racked trying to make the right decision.
Gründung und wichtige Ereugnisse des UNSC
2160 mã¤rz - juni: die jupiter-monde-kampagne beginnt.
Trouser Slug: Chapter 2 (Pokemon)
jupiter asked, pointing to the most recent entries in the book, "you've sold four of them lil' fuckers tonight?" "mam yes mam!" the dealer replied, "that's everyone right there." jupiter withdrew a tablet computer and started creating notes of her own.
Revolution | Chapter IV: Love Never Dies
jupiter thaulm. he was the sole person that had control over this entire property and all of us slaves and soldiers. dad had told me much about him and his power.
Revolution | Chapter X: Dreams Into Nightmares
Truthfully, none of them were about jupiter or my parents' death or anything along those lines.