Spy Training: A Step by Step guide

Those melons of yours starting to slow you down?" taunted the husky, snorting at her own joke. "melons". that was actually a brilliant nickname for the vixen. how hadn't she thought of that one earlier? clarissa groaned, struggling to break free.

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Luxiana and the college boys

"mmpff.. you boys sure love my melons.."

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Crypt's Trouble 3

His once proud melons had been reduced to a bloody mash as the hammer ripped the scales on the pouch away revealing the mutilated testi.

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My Quotes. 2.

And zero times a million will always remain a zero. 12) the nice world is where you get to buy a sweet melon, then spit the seeds in the trash. but in this life, melon heads buy people then spit them out in the trash.

A Horse In A Sticky Situation.

A slightly shorter, petite, in very few clothing, female zebra leans over to get a melon, letting hers rest on rain's still outstretched arm. "i love melons, although i love some meat more." "i-i... yeah, melons are definitely great."

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The Lion King: The Prophecy Revealed, A Prince Seduced, And Hyena Abound

When he finally was able to see the results he almost dropped the melon rind on the ground, his eyes growing as big as the melon had been before it was picked.

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The Produce Aisle

I know i am fond of melon, how about you?" "melon, eh? actually, i know a merchant just a few blocks down the road from here who sells some amazing melon. she specializes in fruits. would you like to check her out?"

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The kitten who loved watermelons: Part 1

Several kinds of the melon could only be found in this town, and during the winter, when other melon farms went dry, this farming town effused the sweet nectar by the truckloads of gallons.

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D'ya have the balls ?

Giggling in ecstasy, i carefully turn around, which is quite a hard task, since i still have melons sized balls, and a pregnant like belly, but i still manage it.

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Part 2: The First Time

"but first i want you to enjoy yourself, i have some fresh sliced melon and then we can dance a little," michael said as he walked to the table and handed her a slice of melon.

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Her Majesty's Secret Services

"oh, melons, i love melons in this, do you have any?" they would go well with his plan. she couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "i happen to have a pair~" hearing her giggle like that, "oh good, may i have them?

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When her eyes fell back on the melon in his hands, he watched as her jaw clenched, her body again moving, this time in a bold step forward.

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