Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 107: We Don’t Belong Here (What We Need Now Part Three)

Standing next to him were his guards, kai the outpost healer and rory the chef of the outpost. as the outpost leader started the assembly, a bound hooded figure was levitated from where they were sitting to the ring at the center of the room.

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Evacuation Order

As the outposts attempted to control the outbreak their presence had not gone unnoticed.

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The Map To Everything: Chapter 1

He lost track of time laying there, eye looking through the scope, aimed at the outpost. he was waiting for someone, anyone to peek outside. the water he sipped through a straw was gone for an hour now.

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Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p5

Now, all she wanted was to get back to the sauria outpost, get out of her armor, and take a warm bubble bath to forget this mission for a few sweet minutes.

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Soldiers of War pt 2 Rangers Lead The Way!

They were talking to the outpost's co and they were not bound or tied up so they definitely were not pows. just then nathan noticed something move in one of the nearby trees.

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Capsule: Rise of ASHH (Chapters 1-3)

[v157] : "this is ashh-v157 calling for outpost 11." [outpost 11] : "this is outpost 11, received ashh-v157. state your reason for communication." [v157] : "situation report." [outpost 11] : "understood, continue with the report."

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Woe to the Republic Part Two

As the war machines and soldiers came up they surrounded the outpost, yet the defensive turrets did not enable.

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The perfect job for a Charr - p.1

The lieutenant asked to his group and minutes later they were on their way to the outpost.

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Canis Interstellar

In 2159 ce, canis became the first true interplanetary corporation after setting up an outpost on mars.

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