An 'Evolved-One's' Tale

Come a heavy, slavic voice from nearby. natalia clawed at the snare, her blunt claws scratching at her throat as the snare pulled even tighter, her lungs burning and consciousness rapidly diminishing.

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Going Where No Were has Gone Before

They were written in some old slavic language that looked like gibberish to him. there were several legends about the breed, but nothing concrete. there were several specific tales, one which caught everyone's notice.

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Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa

Stats: principality of valtovka: constitutional monarchial republic ethnicity: slavic/greek government corruption: moderate. military strength: moderate. military tactics: steamroller. propaganda. economy: poor, slowly recovering.

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The Purple Crown: Part 1

They've got slavic beauties working there who specialize in these great, really intense massages. you know the kind i mean." "mh," eric grunts, not really listening.

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Suichi's Inferno, Chapter I: Am I awake, or am I still dreaming?

An urgent voice replied; it was a deep slavic accent and that of someone he knew. "suichi, you've got to come down to the hospital!" "giné, is that you? what happened?" his voice trembled, a twinge of panic in his body. "it's kyria. shi's been...

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter1

"detective." replied the massive man; his thick slavic accent putting my beautiful celtic voice to shame. "if you would be so kind as to follow me, we will proceed with today's interrogation."

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NAS characters.txt

Artpearance: seeing as herbert is a marty stu, i imagine him with my features: white with a dark kind of short blonde hair, blue eyes, european face that could pass for a slav, he is in fact a quarter slavic.

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Shark Love Chapter 2

I said in a mock slavic accent with a chuckle. after seeing her vacant expression i smiled and stood up. "it's from a movie. i'll tell you about it later. come on, i'll show you the kitchen."

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 5

Kyogre asked, her slight slavic accent deepening her voice in a way that a lot of men would find attractive, especially when her figure was considered. at about 6' 1", kyogre was built like a wall, but with considerably less bulk.

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Saving Vasilisa

The first intruder hisses something in what lyssa recognizes as eastern slavic, likely russian, ukrainian or even belorussian.

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The Family in the Cottage, P5: Making Him Welcome

"captive," he hissed in a slavic language just close enough to her own to be understood. "thenn eat!" oh god, no! the monster ran with his victim out of the forest and into a snow blanketed plain. he licked his scaly lips with his long tongue. "pies!"

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Growing Pains, Part 1

Zoe could hear the conversation slipping between english and some kind of slavic tongue as her new flatmate tried to reason, bargain and eventually plead with his mother that all would be well under threat of the kind of violence only a european mother could

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