Reaper Pollenburn Campaign Episode 6

spectre dodged nimbly aside and split open his jaws, unleashing a barrage of blinding beams straight down. boswin snarled and swung his shovel at spectre but was too slow. spectre landed right next to jacob, hackles raised and growling.

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Carnal Combat, Part II - Blind Fury

Daichi and spectre returned the bow. "i'm daichi, and this is spectre. we're both from the house of stone," the fox said. dusk smirked at spectre. "i see that you and i are to fight in the first round.

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Carnal Combat, Part VII - And Then There Were Three

I've been using spectre as a means of venting my anger at myself for not being there for stardust.

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Royal Thanks

spectre itself wasn't lasting much longer, its thrusts getting short and hard, pounding victor into calyrex. spectre blew first, giving a ghostly whinny, forcing its cock as far as it could go.

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Freelancers, Chapter 21

"initiating search on spectre vasir," weyland said. "records found. tela vasir. spectre file heavily redacted.

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Supremacy Ch.8

"anything that is not me or any of the spectres here are enemies, make it rain!"

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 6

"spectre..." "i see him..." the animus instantly swooped down towards the approaching army. spectre was far from subtle as well.

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Carnal Combat II, Part IX - Prayer for the Dying

It took all his strength to pry her off the surprised spectre, and even as he clung to her, the cheetah snarled and struggled, trying to get at spectre. "i'm flattered, i think," the skunk said.

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Ch.6 Rescue Mission

"spectres are an ideal, a symbol, the embodiment of courage, determination, and self-reliance. they are the right hand of the council, instruments of our will. now sparatus speaks. "spectres bear a great burden.

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Ch.1 The Beginning

Upon his back was the standard issue turian spectre assault rifle, and standard turian issue pistol at his side.

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