Papa's Pup

There were pups, and there were daddies. the pups and the daddies came in all shapes and sizes. some pups could be daddies and vice versa, and it was acceptable for a pup to be a daddy one night and the reverse to be true the next night.

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Pup's Punishment

**Iron Author** **Punishment** ** ** **Pup's Punishment** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by D.C. Yote_ _ _ _ _ He shouldn't have done it: he knew that. But it had been so tempted to lean back against the cool wall...

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King's Pup

"good puppy," rauru cooed, nibbling affectionately on link's ear. "you did so good using your words." rauru kissed the top of his head, sliding link down to his cock. wet with drool and precum, it nudged link's inner thigh.

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"you will be treated as a dog, well as a puppy, as i said before. for you the bathroom is off-limits, you use your diaper like a good puppy. and i will change you when i feel you need a change."

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Holding On Chapter 1: Becoming Wolfsbane

"You're not as powerful as you make yourself out to be, but I know you're going to be just fine." "How could you figure that? Don't we bleed together, as a team?" "No, this is your fight; your cross is only able to be carried by you. Go, and deny my...


After The Storm (Chapter 2)

Ok, here is the second chapter of 'After The Storm'. its a short chapter. im still thinking on what to do next so don't expect the next part uploaded very soon. just been busy with work and personal issues. but I made the effort to put this up so you...

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After the Storm

A few were from mum and dad asking where i was and the rest were from someone listed as 'kitten'. i grabbed my phone and went back to my room. i read one of the messages "where are you?

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Walkabout - Chapter One

Soft yips from within were all the gave away the presence of something in the underbrush. Poking his nose through the bush, and stepping through to the other side, he nearly barked a chuckle. His ears were black, and a white face, and muzzle. The white...

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Life From a New Perspective - Epilogue - I'll Follow You To Hells Gate

I looked back at the battered and wounded father of my pups and nuzzled his neck as he stood next to me, still heavily limping on his one good leg.

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Nikai (Comic) - Page 1

Nikai sat in the summer warmth of the clearing, his back against a large rock jutting out of the ground. He didn't know why or how it was there, he just knew that Mother Nature put it there for a reason, and that reason was for him to lean against...

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Hypnovember 21 - Snap

Happy puppy! snap! snap! snap! snap! snap! "woof! arf! arf arf!" they came unbidden now. the striped puppy wiggled his rump in the air, lowering himself down on his front paws.

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hell hound by demon5456

Long ago a hell hound mother laid a litre of pup's and cared for each one.One pup's name is Tom who was given to the store owner to find his care giver.

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