The Cult Under the Gym

It must have been the cock ring, because immediately after he was cumming buckets. the tingling that came from the rings filled his entire body, and he felt his orgasm stretch on and on.

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Dragon Harem (Reboot) Chapter 10: A Visiting Friend

"yeah, how's that cock ring working for you?" "...changing topics, i think, would be good about now." as the white dragon laughed, draconicon pulled them towards a different hallway, shifting directions towards one of the public balconies.

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A Lesson in Higher Education

Ian moaned, so close to the edge just from a touch down there that he'd have cum long ago were it not for the cock ring strapped under his angry red knot. "gonna say that safeword, pup?"

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Transformation Stream Story 14: Make a Guard Out of You

Make a Guard Out of You for Sanmer by Draconicon Grant sighed as he opened his locker. The other guards were already halfway out of their clothes, and he had to hurry to catch up, rapidly stripping off his shirt and throwing it into the locker....

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Corruption Stream Story 5: Mirari's Slaves

Mirari's Slaves for Sunkit by Draconicon James felt possessed as he climbed the steps of the hotel, his breath coming in pants, but not from the exertion of running up the stairs. If anything, the exercise was easier than it had ever been, his...

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Hypnolok-ed Into Service

Their cocks stood up and proud from their crotches, each one bound with a cock ring of gold or silver.

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Evening Entertainment

Still, he had been expecting some sort of magic, not a cock ring as the leprechaun walked over.

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Dragon Harem (Reboot) Chapter 9: Ambassadors

Dragon Harem Chapter 9: Ambassadors For Alex Felis By Draconicon Draconicon was buried balls-deep in his latest harem member, a black-furred rabbit, when the messenger found him. Said messenger also found himself shoved under the...

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Humiliation Story: The Sexy Smash Tournament

The Sexy Smash Tournament for Txeptirea by Draconicon "_Greetings, everyone. It is time for the finals of the first Sexual Smash Tournament._" Mewtwo's soft, deep voice was both silent and a mellow echo at the same time for Falco, who smiled...

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Prison Stream Story 3: Cock-Sleeved Convicts

Cock-Sleeved Convicts for Sanmer by Draconicon Roluth took a deep breath before stepping off the bus and into the prison yard. He looked back, wondering if any of the other dragons on board were getting off, but it seemed that they were bound...

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Obedience School: Roxan Ch.2, Breaking Roxan

He set down the cock ring and ran his left hand up my bare chest to my neck, tilting my head back and stroking me gently to let me know i was his.

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Mail Order Slave Ring

"a cock ring?" he looked down at it, and then at the picture again. yes, it looked the same as the image, and he supposed it was just about the right size for that.

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