Locker Room Tales - Chapter Two - Patrick and Penelope

Peeling off his sticky sweatshirt, he dumped it into the laundry chute then slumped down on to the bench seat as he tugged the tight hoof boots off. "coach riding you like a rented mule?" come the low, quiet voice behind him.

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Stable Lads

He wrapped up well in a pair of navy winter jodhpurs and heavy duty black hoof-boots, which fastened on the inside of his fetlocks with a series of shiny buckles.

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Happy Farmhands.

The after effect of that concept, is that it left the big old stallion naked as the day he was born, except for his hoof boots.

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Lacrosse Lovers - Chapter Three

He'd forgotten the hoof boots he was meant to wear in the shower, but he was still too sore and weary to have bothered returning to his shared dorm room to retrieve them.

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Antler's and Fur: A Festive Affair

Each timid step, muffled by the thick leather soles of the hoof-boots all cervid wore, brought more and more wonders and amazement. "you have a beautiful home - " chloe spoke quietly to selena.

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MoonDust, Chapter 30

He had hoof-boots." "whatever." she shrugged. "the point is we did our job, and did it well." william growled, the emotionless facade he'd worn since the attack falling away. "well? you call losing three people doing well?"

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Softie's Stabled Relationship

Speared on something like an intimidating throbbing flagpole, his hoof boot footpaws couldn't do much except wiggle in midair for a floor that didn't exist.

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Dirty Punishment

Mandy chose to walk, in her hoof boots, to the office those days, considering that it would be much easier in that way to hide what was happening to her. she found that the open air helped, at least in a small way, to dissipate the smell too.

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Bridled Enthusiasm

A set of hoof boots were presented, and like a farrier, dante slid each one on, laced them tight and padlocked them, letting his horseyboy clipclop in place to get used to the weight and accoutrement. but there was one last step to take care of.

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (9/14)

Once clyde was done sizing him up he went over to the table and grabbed the first two pieces of gear, a pair of hoof boots that would go up to the middle of his calves.

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