Attack in the Library.

A few days passed since Belle and Andy had been on the school roof together. It was now Monday morning and Andy was rushing to get ready. He and Belle had been up with each other studying for tests until they passed out cold against each other. Andy...

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Dales attack.

Crystal ended up falling asleep in Jasons bed after he laid back down with her, purring softly as he ran his hand along her side slowly with his fingers running through her fur, his finger tips feeling her scars from past fights with Dale. He didn't...

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A growing attack

Another day, another dollar at this terrible place Sarah thought to herself. Sitting at this desk every day just to talk to people in other buildings was her job. And she hated every minute of it. No matter how she talked to the people, they simple...

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Attack at Night

It all be began with a rustle in the wind. The trees swayed to and fro, leaves sometimes popping off and catching the wind. A single leaf rested on the ground, silent and still as the air soon became. The stars twinkled in the moonlight, providing what...

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Attack of the Colossal

**Attack of the Colossal** He was finally ready. It was time to show the world his transformation, and what better place than New York City? Plenty of population, plenty of news coverage, and lots of competition to prove himself to. They may have...

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Attack on Amy

Only two days until her seventh birthday, young Amy skipped home, happily imagining the party to come. The heavy, navy blue skirt danced around the hopping pup's small hips, flashing only a sliver of naked thigh just above her knee high socks. She...

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Attack of The Gremlin

-City of Toronto, Midnight, under the Gardiner Expressway near CN Tower-             As the vulpine cocaine dealer counted the money handed to him by the young, twitchy rat standing before him, he smiled in satisfaction when he found that the...

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Attack of the Jelly

Warning: 18+ The kitchen was empty as Dylan staggered in after a long night of partying. He ran his long fingers through his short blond hair all the way down to his short goatee. Despite the hours of drug induced sleep he still had bags under his...

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The First Attack

attacking, but it had nearly taken their heads off when it had flown over them "volcan, what do you see?"

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The Attack 2

Vander runs into some troubles... as enemies of his new roomy target the wrong sexy stud... The Attack Having already packed his bags, Vander rode the mechanical lift down to the Hotels lobby. And...

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Shark Attack!

A warm summer breeze caressed Enro's fur as he stood listening to the crashing waves of the ocean. Seagulls cawed in the distance. The sun had just risen, casting an amber light glow across the sky. The fox took a deep breath as smell of salt filled...

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Chinchilla Attack

# From the screen, the sun looked the same as home. Blacktail's eyes strained to see the jewel in the blackness and check if it was as beautiful as the images the probe sent, but the planet was still a tiny dot. Officer Barada's tail bristled. "Sir!...

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