Promises to a Friend Chapter 1

He sincerely doubted half of them had even picked up a book in their life save for the countless playbunny magazines kept in their lockers.

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Oh and for some reason i feel compelled to risk my life saving some wolf getting attacked by these demons. not saying i didn't want to help the wolf, i'm just a bit scared why i the thought of doing something so dangerous without a second thought.

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Luke Harder

The total conversion package equates to just about his entire life savings, there is going to be no easy way to pay his way back. but luke knows this, and has been preparing himself, at least psychologically, there is no way to prepare physically.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 37

''he who saves one life, saves the world entire'' charis remarks. ''yes, i know.'' you say. ''but you don't want to help them?'' she asks. you shake your head in frustration. "i want to, but it's just too much..." you reply.

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The adventure begins

"that' life savings kid. i already know you plan on leaving and i don't want you having to fight for your food out there so...take it, buy yourself some nice clothes and have a good time." he punched max's shoulder playfully and chuckled softly.

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Your New Life

In one hand, he held a duffle bag with everything he owned: clothes, books, and his life savings of $1348 dollars were inside, packed together neatly like he'd been instructed.

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Draven and Ramiro Badminton Story Rewrite

As his chest expanded and deflated faster than a life-saving cpr receiver, draven looked at his racket. the thing was truly a piece of art. strings perfectly tightened for the control he wanted to have. he liked that style, control over power.

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Mirages & Bitmaps 01: Choices

Her life savings were in the local bank, and she'd managed to save quite a bit, more so since she was starting her journey a bit later than most. "need t' pick up some pokeballs later." she glanced at her computer and hmmed.

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Chapter 2

I grumbled to myself as i begun, "this is what i get for getting my life saved by a dragon..?" it was late into the afternoon by the time i had finished my work.


Stung 2: The Return

Strange way to repay two guys who give you a place to sleep, stealing their life savings.' aj, having finally located the bottle opener, had already got stuck into his beer. he walked back over to the table and handed the utensil round.

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Origins: Asako & Akiko (my first story)

She smiles and sits down in a comfy chair by the fire, and giggles watching them look at the things she brought them and smiled knowing this was her life saving these people helping them.

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Chilling Out (A Scene)

As a hyper, his phone was more than just a communications device... it was an essential, nay, life-saving device.

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