Shoppin' for a punk...

The big middle aged stallion slowly stripped off the last of his clothing, letting fall to the floor of his office trailer. jerome stood there completely naked, the middle aged married male doing nothing to hide his jutting erection.

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Daddy's Forever

The middle-aged otter rubbed along the bundled up form inside his gut while keeping the stomach walls clenched tight on his cherished meal.

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The Apple Falls Far - Series Commission for Tomek

The middle-aged man taunted. "really make him suffer for what he's done?" "pa, devin's waiting for me in the car!"

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On-call Daddy

A young, 19-year old beagle from a few towns over with an absolutely sinful ass and a personality to match, and who seemed to have a thing for middle-aged dads especially.

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A change for the better (The Masks - Matt's Story - Chapter1)

His apartment showed the stated of middle aged men's mind. many things were just left laying around where they once were used or just dropped.

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Calico Burana: ch.6 - Inheritance Game

"hush, dante," the middle-aged female cat, no doubt priscilla, said to her brother.

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A stunning revelation...

Jerome stammered breathlessly as ricky broke that kiss, middle aged stallions hip's fucking his sons hot, full lip's wildly now.

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Someone to Call Home

The middle-aged otter rumbled, even as he curled and looped his tail over the pup's lower half, adding more and more contact.

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Mareboi's in training...

The middle aged stallion gulping and gagging, as that mighty flare pulsed shooting spurt after powerful spurt of rich creamy stud milk into his own mouth.

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The Fangshi of Hu village: Teaser

The roll was tossed back to the middle aged man. "look at the back of the roll."

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Class Demonstration

The middle-aged stag narrated on, walking around towards the far side of the table from the conjoined pair.

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