Delayed destiny ch 9 (adult version)

I told him about the dream and all the new stuff. as i finished i could see he was still really worried. "i'm ok i promise." (me) "are you sure?" "yes i've calmed down see."

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Hey Puppy~

There's new stuff going on at my patreon! the linked public post details that vignettes are going up in price from now on. furthermore, april's new story, a predscape travel blog, is available to patrons!

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My life with blaziken chapter 7

"oh hey blaziken, we should set out soon, we don't want to travel in the dark" i said to her while i put all this new stuff into my backpack. we all had a filling breakfast, after which me and blaziken set out on our journey.

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Bold Coffee

As much as i love trying out new stuff, i wasn't expecting to have to drive halfway out to northbell." "don't worry about it," kurt replied, his fluffy tail twitching to and fro behind the cherrywood-stained seat. "i promise, it's worth it."

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Put a Sock in It! (HH)

"i'll get to try out a lot of stuff in real life, sure," i said, "and they want me to work on site, to do updates on the site while i'm working on it, and to teach them how to do stuff, you know, putting new stuff onto the site?

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Techne (Alternative Eroticism)

I'm getting a few pieces moved over from my storage before i start posting new-new stuff, and i hope you like it! feel free to comment or message- i'm friendly! ### techne a _technician_ of the divine performs some debugging work upon a _daeva_.

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An Annoyed Thaw

"how long until we get to the new stuff?" "eh, however long it takes us to get tired." "...please tell me you're joking. you know that takes forever." "yeah, for me, too." "..." "so." olag chuckled. "come at me, buddy.

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Commission: Mother & Son & Friends

Luckily, farix had brought his dad's credit card (he was on a holiday), so he could afford new stuff. they headed to the mall, where many stores were assembled in high, long halls with plenty of sunlight.

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 11) - Missing/Epilogue

She took the old cassette tape home and spent a few evenings getting the drums right on the new stuff. and her song. then they practiced one sunday night, and she felt hollow. casey's drum kit had been taken away. there was a hole where he used to be.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 36)

There really is some new stuff. insect teas, coffee blends, lollipops, even bath salts were scattered across the shelves. it depresses hafsa to know the huge market for this kind of stuff has created so much innovation.

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - The Back Room (1/2)

"new stuff that came in for the store upstairs," the rubber dragon said as he sliced it open with his claw.

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The Unique Snivy And S Big Adventure: Chapter 5 Uniting As One

#5 of my snivy story i do not own pokémon nintendo does but i do add new stuff every so often after having a huge discussion as a whole group they all agree for jason to lure out the enermies and ambush them when they get close making them have no place

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