Interlude Chapter 2: A hint about future chapters, more character info, and explanations on a few of the groups in the story.

Some characters will be changed into another group as the series, and magic is starting to play a role. our hero has things in his past that have yet to be revealed, and as the story progresses more of each character's past will be revealed.

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The Cat's Stroll 27

Every actor was a character, that would play a role in the duel that was to come.

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Dead Trees

But just as for biodiversity, she felt that it was important that no species of books be altogether eradicated, because every species played a role in its ecosystem, however troublesome it could be.

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Discount - Chapter 6

He whimpered again, and again, but all his noises ended abruptly with silence, as his vocal cords ceased playing a role with the air entering his lungs.

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Revenge of the Rabbit

"let's just say that, in order to repay your debt to me, i want you to play a role. an important role." blackjack said in a creepy way before he pressed his lips against rocket's forcefully puckered lips.

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A Night in Her Coils

He knew that the venom she had injected into his body was playing a role in making his orgasm and long and as productive as it was.

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Trying Something New and Old 02

He wasn't obligated to do anything, he wasn't being paid to play a role, and he knew she was just doing it for his sake so he wasn't really into it. "are you sure you're okay?"

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Camilla, the Conquerer - Chapter 18

Until then, i would have had to play a role and a game of hide and seek. but there, and i'm not just saying this to appease her, my conscience got in the way." "whatever," frank sighed, waving it off.

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Breeding the Next Generation: Alexia's Story

That turned me on as i guess shi was playing a role. hir thrusts were pounding into me, knot pushing me further open bit by bit.

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Politics and psychology play a role, and well... i guess that about covers every single aspect of human nature that there is to cover.

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Chapter 3: New Client

I couldn't help seeing him both as he was and as some phantom of his character, as if he were an actor playing a role. this, of course, made him immediately suspect.

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