The Mandela Field Manipulator 2.0

It had all of hartford's secret plans and data so far. that lying bastard was indeed building a mandela field manipulator! bates thought about reformatting the drive, forever erasing the data. he hesitated for a moment. it seemed like such a waste.

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Saturday's Judging

It was clear that he wanted to be part of her secret plan. "i am just a natural sweetheart." the sheppie answered with an extra sweet smile, which was shot down by the other with a stare.

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And They Make Sitcoms Out Of This Shit

"damn, you figured out all our secret plans..." i grinned. "i'm awesome like that."

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The Muscle Effect - Audacity

Bush had personally ordered the wtc strikes to get more money for his secret plan to colonize the centre of the earth, and that harry s truman had conspired with doctor mengele to create super-americans capable of withstanding nuclear radiation by crossbreeding

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Transmission Lost - Dramatis Personae

Before her trial can begin, aria is kidnapped by her mother, ara'lana, who as it turns out survived her battle with the humans and has been secretly planning to overthrow the empress.

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False Moon 4: Remembering Pt. 1

We've got us a secret plan! we're goin' to slay the crusader~, as quietly as we can!" alex strummed his lute, having picked it up as soon as amber moved out of reach to grab more firewood.

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Chapter 35 Disturbing Thoughts

Was he secretly planning to smother her with a pillow as she slept? she was suspicious and confused, for he rolled over and accepted what had happened to his queen with something bordering indifference.

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Werewulf part 11

For some reason the word plotting came to mind, secret planning he wouldn't want to talk about. duke looked up and smiled, "why wouldn't i be? i'm just eating; i don't want to talk with my mouth full of mush." quinn wasn't with them.

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Luna and celestia both glowed, their horns sparkling as their secret plan went into effect. mac felt a sucking sensation over his entire body, his balls gurgling as he came and moaned and squirmed.

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Kyle Sparks, Chapter 2

Kyle's heart raced, was electron here to tell him the mithril brotherhood was secretly planning to stop the construction? even if only electron was willing to help it would be enough to make gadstone think twice about building a mall in kyle's park.

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Psychic Happenings

Granted, she wasn't exactly hatching a mastermind's secret plan right now. "r-right." "well then, since we both know why you are here, how would you like me to start?"

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The Gladiator, Chapter 1

This was obvious to all parties involved, but the mention of it bothered kayo slightly, like her secret plans had been spread over a tabletop. "yes, that's correct." he sighed. "it's a botched job.

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