Episode 8 - Zip Lightning and the Terror of Starfleet

Space hounds like copper were bred to have two cocks, one on top of the other, so they could breed two females at once. of course when there were no females around, the two cocks had other fortunate uses.

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Just a Shark - Ep. 1 - Pain

I know you can do it.bayron: but, you'll put the two cocks in my ass?andrew: yes, it's better i put they two at the same time to don't need to enlarge your ass again.bayron: okay *sigh* go.so, andrew put the two cocks at the same time in bayron's ass.

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Ovnimilk Factory:First day on the Job

"you ever wonders whats it like to have two cocks instead of one?" he asks. kyle blinks at the strange question, "s..sort of."

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The Rubber Shaft Invasion

The seal digimon yelped out as he felt the two cocks wiggle themselves down to his crotch, attaching themselves to his data. "no! dang it... no... i..." he moaned, blushing as the two cocks started to harden up despite his reluctance.

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Absol's Heat Part 2

Abra held their two cocks together as absol motioned to the to their tips, already leaking her own juices, the heat becoming unbearable held tightly against abra.

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The Vessel ch. 4

When phil came to he looked down and his two cocks were soft and back to normal, his groin was warm as he felt the rather corrupt soul of jeff in his sack, giving him the look of having three balls.

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Monster Lust: Part One

two cocks were _always_ better than one but they had been so hasty to come together that first time as she howled out through a squirting orgasm, drenching his crotch in her juices, that he'd only been able to get one into her.

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The Gym Showers

Pre spilling out of the the wide opened hole between the two cocks. "i think i'm finally hilted," moaned ciello as he grinds to halt. all three pant hard, zarchino getting used to such a full feeling in his ass.

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[c] Control

With a ragged sigh of surrender, silv angled his two cocks towards her entrance, and annie smirked. that's right. she knew he was too horny to pass this up.

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!NEW! Hotel Ho Tail (2nd UPDATE!)

The narrow slit poured cum and orgasmal fluid from around the two cocks, and gushed out onto the bed. arcaa gave a panicked gasp before falling back, and passing out.

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